catalog-handbook - page 418

MUSC 1710 - Major Ensemble-Choir (0-3/5-1)
MUSC 1710 - Major Ensemble-WindEnsemble (0-3/5-1)
MUSC 1710 - Major Ensemble-JazzBand (0-3/5-1)
MUSC 1710 - Major Ensemble-Orchestra (0-3/5-1)
May be repeated for credit. Provides opportunity for student to demonstrate the
ability toperform in ensembles that are varied both in sizeand nature.
MUSC 1771–Diction for Singers I (0-3-1)
Introduction to International Phonetic Alphabet, as a preliminary to study of
pronunciation of the major languages of Western art music, and study of the
pronunciation of Ecclesiastical Latin, standard Italian, and standard broadcast
AmericanEnglish using the International PhoneticAlphabet.
MUSC 2011 - Music Theory III (3-0-3)
Secondary functions; modulation. Modal mixture, Neapolitan sixths, altered
dominants. Fugue, variation, and rondo forms.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 1012with agrade of C or better.
MUSC 2012 - Music Theory IV (3-0-3)
Augmented sixth chords, enharmonic modulation. Analytic work in a variety of 20th
Century repertories. Sonata form offered.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 2011with agrade of C or better.
MUSC 2101 - MusicAppreciation (3-0-3)
A study of various forms and styles of music through history by listening to recordings,
reading, and concert attendance designed to develop the skills of perceptive listening.
Critical thinking and communication skills are emphasized. [Note: Learning Support
students who are required to take ENGL 0099 and/or READ 0099 must exit the
requirement(s) before they can enroll in this course.] Does not apply toward the
MUSC 2111 - Aural Skills III (0-2-1)
Advanced work in sight-singing, rhythmic, harmonic, and melodic dictation. Usually
taken concurrentlywithMUSC 2011.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 1112with agrade of C or better.
MUSC 2112 - Aural Skills IV (0-2-1)
Usually taken concurrentlywithMUSC 2012.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 2111with agrade of C or better.
MUSC 2151–ClassPiano III (0-2-1)
Intermediate piano skills for students needing additional applied piano skills and
including those with a piano concentration. Develops skills in sight-reading, score-
reading, accompanying, harmonization, transposition and basic keyboard harmony.
Open tomusicmajors only.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 1152 with a grade of C or above, or completion of the piano
proficiency exam.
MUSC 2152–ClassPiano IV (0-2-1)
Intermediate piano skills for students needing additional applied piano skills and
including those with a piano concentration. Develops skills in sight-reading, score
reading, accompanying, harmonization, transposition and basic keyboard harmony.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 2151with agrade of C or above. Open toMusicmajors only
MUSC 2301 - Introduction toWorldMusic (3-0-3)
A study of selected non-western music cultures, past and present, introducing a
variety of musical concepts and styles from around the world, reflecting the inter-
relationships between musical styles and the cultures in which they are created and
interpreted. Critical Thinking and communication skills are emphasized. [Note:
Learning Support students who are required to take ENGL 0099 and/or READ 0099
must exit the requirement(s) before they can enroll in this course.]
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