catalog-handbook - page 412

MATH0999 –Support for CollegeAlgebra (0-2-1)
See the LearningSupport course listings
MATH 1101 - Introduction toMathematical Modeling (3-0-3)
This is an introduction tomathematical modeling using graphical, numerical, symbolic
and verbal techniques to describe and explore real-world data and phenomena.
Emphasis is on the use of elementary functions to investigate and analyze applied
problems and questions, supported by the use of appropriate technology, and on
effective communication of quantitative concepts and results. This course in applied
college algebra will involve an applications-driven study of functions; linear, quadratic,
polynomial, exponential, logarithmic and piecewise-defined models; inverse functions;
composition of functions; systems of equations.
Prerequisite(s): A grade of D% or better in MATH 0099 or a grade of D or better in
MATH 1111 or a SAT Math (re-centered) minimum score of 550, or a minimum ACT
score of 24,or a suitablemathematics placement score.
MATH 1111 - CollegeAlgebra (3-0-3)
This course is a functional approach to algebra that incorporates the use of
appropriate technology. Emphasis will be placed on the study of functions and their
graphs, inequalities, and linear, quadratic, piece-wise defined, rational, polynomial,
exponential, and logarithmic functions. Appropriate applications will be included.
Prerequisite(s): A grade of C% or better in MATH 0099, a grade of C or better in
MATH 1101 or a SAT Math (re-centered) minimum score of 550, or a minimum ACT
score of 24, or a suitablemathematics placement score.
MATH1112 - Trigonometry&AnalyticGeometry (3-0-3)
A study of trigonometry including angle measurement, solving triangles, fundamental
trigonometric identities, solving trigonometric equations, and an introduction to
trigonometric functions of real numbers and their graphs. Also covered are conic
sections and their graphs.
Prerequisite(s): MATH1111 (C).
MATH 1113 - Pre-Calculus (3-0-3)
This course is designed to prepare students for calculus, physics, and related
technical subjects. Topics include an intensive study of algebraic and transcendental
functions accompanied by analytic geometry.
Prerequisite(s): A suitablemathematics placement score.
MATH 1221 - FiniteMathematics (3-0-3)
This course is a mathematical preparation for the understanding of various
quantitative methods in modern management, information technology and social
sciences. Topics include: sets, logic and circuits, basic combinatorics including
permutations and combinations, probability and probability distributions, systems of
linear equations, matrix theory, and linear programming using a geometric approach.
Additional topics that may be included are elementary statistical distributions, Markov
chains, and game theory.
Prerequisite(s): A grade of C or better inMATH 1101 or MATH 1111 or grade of D or
better inMATH1113 or MATH 1501.
MATH1231 - IntroductoryStatistics (3-0-3)
This course is based on college-level algebra/mathematical modeling and will involve
study of basic descriptive and inferential statistics. Topics include probability, random
variables, probability functions, measures of central tendency and variation, sampling,
and statistical estimation and prediction.
Prerequisite(s): A grade of C or better inMATH 1101 or MATH 1111 or agrade of D or
better inMATH 1113, MATH 1241, or MATH1501.
MATH1241 - Survey of Calculus (3-0-3)
This course is a non-rigorous study of differential and integral calculus of functions of
one variable with decision applications for business and social sciences. Not open to
students with credit for Calculus I (MATH 1501).
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