catalog-handbook - page 420

MUSC 3102–History of Popular Music (3-0-3)
This course offers an overview of American popular music, exploring formal and
stylistic origins of various genres and examining connections between popular music
and traditional forms.
Prerequisite(s): ENGL 1102with aminimum grade of C
MUSC 3150-KeyboardHarmony (2-0-2)
The development of advanced piano skills for piano performance majors and other
who wish to develop more sophisticated keyboard skills beyond the degree
requirements will be covered. Continued work in sight-reading, score-reading (open
choral score and orchestral score), accompanying, harmonization, transposition,
figured bass and improvisation as well as increased velocity in scale and arpeggio
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 2152 with a grade of C or higher or permission of the
MUSC 3220 - Introduction toMusic Technology (3-0-3)
Introduction to recent development inmusical technology, including analog and digital
synthesizers, computer notation programs, MIDI, and digital sampling. Basic work in
analog and digital recording.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 2011.
MUSC 3310– Introduction toMusic IndustryStudies (3-0-3)
This course will provide an introductory overview of the commercial music industry,
including its history and development within the context of the production of multiple
popular and traditional styles. The course explores how the music industry has
developed in the United States. Students will consider how music (as well as
musicians) has evolved into “product.”
Pre-requisite: MUSC 1012
MUSC 3320–MusicMarketing andManagement (3-0-3)
This course explores the evolving nature of the music industry as it relates to the
marketing and selling of music as product. Students will explore how copyright law,
contract law, publicity, marketing, and promotions change in response to new
technologies and new economic contexts. Emphasis will be placed on howmusicians
(both commercial and traditional) must navigate the legal and contractual complexities
associated with howmusic as a “product” is produced, marketed, and distributed.
Pre-requisite: MUSC 3310
MUSC 3330–MusicCopyright andPublishing (3-0-3)
This course offers students adetailed study of music publishing. Students will explore
how copyright law, royalties, and distribution function in the twenty-first century.
Emphasis will be placed on how music publishers must navigate the legal and
contractual complexities associated with traditional publishing, as well as the various
digital mediums of e-commerce.
Pre-requisite: MUSC 3310
MUSC 3410 - Major Ensemble-Choir (0-3/5-1)
MUSC 3410 - Major Ensemble-WindEnsemble (0-3/5-1)
MUSC 3410 - Major Ensemble-JazzBand (0-3/5-1)
MUSC 3410 - Major Ensemble-Orchestra (0-3/5-1)
May be repeated for credit. Provides opportunity for student to demonstrate the
ability toperform in ensembles that are varied both in sizeand nature.
MUSC 3430 - Conducting (1-2-2)
Thebasic principles of conducting and score-reading.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 2011.
MUSC 3450 - StringMethods andMaterials (1-2-1)
Methods and materials of playing and teaching string instruments. Evaluation of
methods andmaterials. Musicmajors only. Prerequisite(s): MUSC 2012 (C).
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