catalog-handbook - page 427

being an informed consumer of research. Building a scientific basis for practicing
nursing is studied as amethod for improving the quality of nursing practice. For basic
licensure students, completion of all 3000-level NURS courses is recommended prior
to taking this course.
Prerequisite(s): (MATH 1231 or HSCI 2201) andNURS 3701.
NURS4200 - Research for Evidence-BasedPractice (3-0-3)
An introduction to the research process and the skills required to interpret, evaluate,
and integrate knowledge generated from research as a foundation for evidence-based
practice. Human subject’s rights and ethical aspects of research are discussed.
Scientific investigation is studied as a method of evaluating and improving
professional practice.
Prerequisite(s): RN Licensureand completion of StatisticsCourse.
NURS4201 - Developmental Transitions II (3-0-3)
This course is designed to provide a theoretical and practical basis for the application
of nursing therapeutics, in the provision of comprehensive care for children and their
families. Course content examines developmental, situational, and health-illness
transitions experienced by individual pediatric clients and their families.
Prerequisite(s): NURS3501; NURS 3701 andNURS 3383.
AbsoluteCorequisite(s): NURS 4201L.
NURS4201L - Developmental Transitions II Practicum (0-6-2)
Within the context of the concepts learned in NURS 4201 and previous courses,
students will integrate the role of the nurse to enhance health promotion and illness
prevention in order to promote healthier outcomes. Emphasis is placed on the
application of nursing therapeutics to meet the holistic needs of the individual and
family from birth to adolescence. A variety of acute care and community health care
settings will be used.
Prerequisite(s): NURS3501L; NURS3701L.
AbsoluteCorequisite(s): NURS 4201.
NURS4401 - Health Illness Transitions III (3-0-3)
This course is a continuation of Health-Illness II in providing a theoretical and practical
basis for the application of nursing therapeutics in the provision of holistic care for
clients and their families experiencing developmental, situational, and health-illness
transitions. Emphasis will be on theprovision of holistic care of individuals and families
experiencingmultisystem health-illness transitions.
Prerequisite(s): NURS4201; NURS 4000.
AbsoluteCorequisite(s): NURS 4401L.
NURS4401L - Health-Illness Transitions III Practicum (0-9-3)
This course focuses on the management of groups of clients and their families
experiencing multisystem health-illness transitions. The course provides opportunities
to validate competencies of a beginning professional nursewhile enhancing synthesis
of concepts learned in all Health-Illness courses. A variety of acute care and
community health care settings will beused.
Prerequisite(s): NURS4201L; NURS4000L.
AbsoluteCorequisite(s): NURS 4401.
NURS4500 - RoleTransitions (2-0-2)
This course is for students in the basic licensuremajor only and is to be taken during
the student’s senior year. Role concepts, transitions from student to professional,
health care issues and trends are explored. Students are required to submit a
satisfactory portfolio and pass an end –of- program competency examination as a
requirement of coursecompletion.
Prerequisite(s) or Concurrent Corequisite(s): NURS 4201; NURS 4000, NURS 4100.
Prerequisite/Corequisite: NURS4401; NURS 4601.
NURS4503 - RNPracticum (0-9-3)
This clinical practicum course requires RN students to accomplish individual learning
objectives negotiated with their faculty facilitators and designated preceptor at the
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