catalog-handbook - page 419

MUSC 2400 - AppliedMusicSecondary (0-1-1)
Study in music performance in the student's secondary performance area. Student
expected to perform a cross-section of music from the complete repertory of the
particular performance medium, and develop technical skills requisite for artistic self-
expression at an appropriate level. May be repeated for credit. Open only to music
majors or by approval of theDepartment Chair.
Corequisite(s): MUSC 1710.
MUSC 2500 - AppliedMusicPrimary (0-1-2)
Study in music performance in the student's major area. Students are expected to
perform a cross-section of music from the complete repertory of the particular
performancemedium, and develop technical skills requisite for artistic self-expression
at an appropriate level. May be repeated for credit. Open tomusic majors only (or by
approval of theDepartment Chair).
Corequisite(s): MUSC 1710 or 3410.
MUSC 2771–Diction for Singers II (0-3-1)
Study of the pronunciation of standard stageGerman (
), and classical
artistic French (
style soutenu
using the International Phonetic Alphabet, with a brief
introduction to other issues of singing diction, such as Austro-GermanLatin.
Pre-requisite: MUSC 1771.
MUSC 2900 - Introduction toMusicEducation andTechnology (1-2-2)
Designed to introduce students to real-life music education through structured
observation of and interaction with local music educators. Students will also become
familiar with technology, professional journals, and other resources specific to music
education. Prerequisites: MUSC 1012
MUSC 2911 - JazzTheory I (2-0-2)
Examines theoretical principles and nomenclature associated with jazz. Emphasis
spelling, naming and aural recognition of chords, scales, and harmonic progressions;
principles of substitute scales and chords; harmonic and melodic analysis. Includes
some composition.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 1112.
MUSC 2912 - JazzTheory II (2-0-2)
Continues MUSC 2911; advanced work with 9th, 13th chords, whole-tone, diminished,
and augmented scales.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 2911.
MUSC 3070 - Counterpoint (3-0-3)
Introduction tomodal and tonal counterpoint, with some introduction to later styles.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 2011.
MUSC 3080 - Scoring andArranging (3-0-3)
A study of ranges and characteristics of instruments and voices, in the context of
historical development of styles. Basic practical concepts in arranging, including
writing and performance of projects.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 2011.
MUSC 3090– JazzArranging (3-0-3)
A practical study of the basic knowledge, skills, and techniques involved in arranging
music for the jazz combo and/or large jazz ensemble, including the writing and
performance of projects. Course outcomes include the ability to hear, write, and
manipulate in notation the elements of music as they apply toa jazz setting.
Pre-requisite: MUSC 2912with aminimum gradeof C
MUSC 3101 - History of Jazz (3-0-3)
An in-depth, analytical investigation of jazz music and its cultural significance in 20
centuryAmerica. Critical thinking and communication skills are emphasized. Open to
all students regardless of major.
Prerequisite(s): ENGL 1102. Completion of CRIT 1101 andAreaC recommended.
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