catalog-handbook - page 421

MUSC 3451 - BrassMethods andMaterials (1-2-1)
Methods and materials of playing and teaching brass instruments. Evaluation of
methods andmaterials. Musicmajors only.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 2012 (C).
MUSC 3452 - PercussionMethods andMaterials (1-2-1)
Methods and materials of playing and teaching percussion instruments. Evaluation of
methods andmaterials. Musicmajors only.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 2011 (C).
MUSC 3453 -WoodwindMethods andMaterials (1-2-1)
Methods and materials of playing and teaching woodwind instruments. Learning
teachingmethods andmaterials. Observation in thepublic schools.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 2011 (C).
MUSC 3510 - Chamber Ensembles (0-3-1)
Performance in small chamber ensembles appropriate to student'smajor performance
area. May be repeated for credit.
MUSC 3550 - Accompanying (0-2-1)
Development of technical and musical skills necessary to accompany vocalists and
instrumentalists Permission of instructor is required. May be repeated for credit.
Performance in small chamber ensembles appropriate to student'smajor performance
MUSC 3560 - Chamber Choir (0-3-1)
Performance in small vocal ensembles of music from all periods. Permission of
instructor is required. May be repeated for credit. Performance in small chamber
ensembles appropriate tostudent'smajor performance area.
MUSC 3570–MusicDramaWorkshop (0-5-1)
This coursegrants credit for performance in a staged production of music drama. This
course provides students with the opportunity to study and apply the techniques of
effective performance in all forms of music drama intended for theatrical, rather than
concert, performance. Audition for the Music major or for the instructor is required.
May be repeated for credit.
MUSC 3614–MusicHistorySurvey I (3-0-3)
Survey ofWesternmusic from antiquity through 1750.
Pre-requisites: MUSC 2011 (grade of C or higher) andENGL 1102.
MUSC 3615–MusicHistorySurvey II (3-0-3)
Survey ofWesternmusic from 1750 to thepresent.
Pre-requisites: MUSC 2011 (grade of C or higher) andENGL 1102.
MUSC 3620–SacredMusicHistory (3-0-3)
This course explores the use of music in the liturgical practices of various western
traditions, including those of the Jewish, Orthodox, Catholic, and Protestant faiths.
The role of religion in perpetuating thewestern art andmusic will be examined, as well
the great musical works and innovations that resulted from religious patronage.
Reports on field observations of sacred music practices and a term paper will require
critical thinking and writing skills of thestudents enrolled in the course.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 3614with aminimum grade of C
MUSC 3720–Art Song Literature
A study of the literature of the solo song, with particular attention to the national styles
of solosongwith piano accompaniment from 1800 to thepresent.
Pre-requisite: MUSC1012.
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