catalog-handbook - page 425

NURS3201 - HealthAssessment for R.N.’s (2-0-2)
This course provides the R.N. learner with the knowledge necessary to perform a
health assessment on adults and use critical thinking skills to identify risk factors for
actual or potential alterations in health. Emphasis will be placed on interviewing skills
in taking a health history and differentiating between normal and abnormal physical
findings when conducting ahead-to-toe physical examination.
Prerequisite(s): R.N. Licensure
AbsoluteCorequisite(s): NURS 3201.
NURS3202 - HealthAssessment Practicum for RNs (0-3-1)
Provides the learner with the opportunity to develop the skills necessary to perform a
systematic health assessment/physical examination on adults from diverse cultural
backgrounds. Lab time is structured to facilitate skill development in individuals with
nursing experience.
Prerequisite(s): RN Licensureor permission of Instructor.
AbsoluteCorequisite(s): NURS 3201.
NURS3301 - HealthPromotions (3-0-3)
This course is designed to introduce the student to roles and issues for the
professional nurse. Concepts highlighted in this course are theoretical perspectives on
health-illness, developmental, situational, and role transitions in the nursing
profession. In addition, the course emphasizes the nurse’s role in promoting individual
and family health across the lifespan.
Prerequisite(s): BSNAdmission.
AbsoluteCorequisite(s): NURS 3301L.
NURS3301L - HealthPromotions Practicum (0-3-1)
This course is designed to allow the student to focus on the application of the
theoretical concepts related to the role of the professional nurse in promoting
individual and family health across the lifespan. Activities are designed to allow
students to participate in interdisciplinary collaboration, application of teaching and
learning principles, and to develop beginning skills in nursing therapeutics as related
tohealth promotion.
Prerequisite(s): BSNAdmission. AbsoluteCorequisite(s): NURS 3301.
NURS3383 - Clinical PharmacologySeminar (3-0-3)
This seminar will examine clinical application of pharmaceutical agents as they relate
to clients experiencing acute and chronic health conditions. Students will identify
important considerations in thehealthmaintenance andmanagement of clients across
the lifespan as recipients of pharmacotherapy.
Perquisite(s): NURS 3401/3401L.
Corequisite(s): NURS3501 andNURS3701.
NURS3401 - Health Illness Transitions I (3-0-3)
This course is designed to provide a theoretical and practical basis for the application
of nursing therapeutics essential to the general care of individual clients experiencing
developmental and health-illness transitions across the lifespan. Students are
expected to apply assessment and communication principles in identifying needs of
individuals with acute health-illness transitions. Emphasis in this course is on the
introduction of basic principles necessary for promoting a healthy outcome in meeting
holistic needs of the individual client.
Prerequisite(s) or Concurrent Corequisite(s): NURS 3301; NURS 3201; NURS 3110.
AbsoluteCorequisite(s): NURS 3401L.
NURS3401L - Health Illness Transitions I Practicum (0-6-2)
This course focuses on the clinical application of concepts learned in NURS 3401 and
previous courses. Students will have the opportunity to continue to develop
assessment and nursing therapeutic skills in meeting holistic needs of the individual
client with acutehealth-illness transitions.
Prerequisite(s) or Concurrent Corequisite(s): NURS 3201L; NURS 3301L.
AbsoluteCorequisite(s): NURS 3401.
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