catalog-handbook - page 414

MATH 3010 - Number Concepts andRelationships (3-1-3)
This course is a study of the real number system, its historical development, its
subsets and their algebraic properties, the theoretical foundations of its four basic
operations, computational issues, and descriptive statistics. Includes a
laboratory/practicum component through which pedagogical issues such as
multiculturalism areaddressed.
Prerequisite(s): Admission to Middle Level Teacher Education Program. A grade of C
or better in (MATH 1112, MATH 1112A, or MATH 1113) and a grade of C or better in
MATH 3010S - Number Concepts andRelationships (3-0-3)
This course is a study of the real number system, its historical development, and
comparison to other numeration systems, its subsets and their algebraic properties,
the theoretical foundations of its four basic operations, computational issues, and
elementary set and number theory. This course is only open to in-service Georgia
MATH3020 - Concepts of Algebra (3-1-3)
This course is a study of functions designed to reinforce knowledgeof thealgebraic
skills and processes taught at themiddlegrades level and toextend this knowledge to
more advanced topics. The course includes probability functions, polynomial
functions, rational functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, and trigonometric
functions. Other topics discussed are the fundamental theorem of algebra, polar
coordinates, trigonometric forms of complex numbers, conic sections in rectangular
andpolar form, and thebinomial theorem. Open toqualified studentswithout
credit for MATH3010 bypermission of theHead of MathematicsDepartment.
Prerequisite(s): A grade of C or better in MATH 3010. Co-requisite of MATH 3030 or
Permission of theDepartment of Mathematics
MATH 3020S - Concepts of Algebra (3-0-3)
This course is a study of algebra and functions designed to reinforce knowledge of the
algebraic skills and processes taught at the middle grades level and to extend this
knowledge to more advanced topics. The course includes a review of basic algebra;
equations and inequalities in one variable with applications; functions and graphs with
special attention to linear, quadratic, polynomial, and exponential functions; operations
on functions and inverse function; and systems of equations and inequalities in two
variables. This course is open only to in-serviceGeorgia teachers.
MATH 3030 - Concepts of Geometry (3-1-3)
An exploratory approach to the study of plane, solid, analytic, transformational,
spherical, and fractal geometry. Specific topics include symmetries of plane figures
through rotations, reflections, and translations; construction of plane and solid figures
(polygons and polyhedra); perimeter, area, surface area, and volume; triangle
properties, including similarity and congruence theorems; Pythagorean Theorem;
comparison of Euclidean and spherical geometry; locus of points; fractals; van Hiele
levels of geometric understanding; informal and formal proof.
Prerequisite(s): A grade of C or better in MATH 3010. Co-requisite of MATH 3020 or
Permission of theDepartment of Mathematics
MATH3110 - Survey of Algebra (3-0-3)
This course is a survey of group, ring, and field theory. Topics include algebraic
structures on the integers, the real numbers, and the complex numbers; modular
arithmetic; the Euclidean Algorithm; group and ring homomorphisms and
isomorphisms; and field extensions with applications to constructions.
Prerequisite: Agrade of C or better inMATH 3005.
MATH3210Statistics for Social Justice (3-0-3)
This course is designed to introduce students to statistical methods for the design and
analysis of research in social justice. Topics include misuse of statistics in the
subjugation of disenfranchised communities, deconstruction of statistical studies, and
the development and completion of statistical studies to address areas of social
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