International Studies (INTL)
INTL2800 - StudyAbroad (credit varies)
Organized academic study outside the United States. Study normally focuses on the
culture, language, history, or economics of anation or region. Depth and scope at the
lower division level. Maybe repeated for credit when topics vary.
Prerequisite(s): Approval by Clayton State International Coordinator and dean of the
school of the student’smajor.
INTL3800 - StudyAbroad (credit varies)
Organized academic study outside the United States. Study normally focuses on the
culture, language, history, or economics of anation or region. Depth and scope at the
upper division level. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
Prerequisite(s): Approval by Clayton State International Coordinator and dean of the
school of the student’smajor.
INTL3900 - Special Topics in International Studies (credit varies)
Seminar or individual directed study of a special topic of international significance.
The special topics do not necessarily entail travel outside the United States. May be
repeated for credit when topics vary.
Prerequisite(s): Approval by thedean of theschool of the student’smajor.
Internet (INET)
INET 1150 -Web Languages (3-0-3)
An introduction to the fundamental languages of the World Wide Web (WWW).
Students will learn to work with the basic markup languages to create hyperlinks,
formatted text, tables, graphics, imagemaps, and forms.
Prerequisites: CNET 1103, CNET 1105.
INET 1250 -WebProgramming (3-0-3)
An introduction to the programming on the World WideWeb. The fundamentals of
programming, including variables, data types, input/output statements, control
structures and functions will be covered. Students will learn to work with objects,
properties, and events using a scripting language.
Prerequisites: INET 1150.
INET 2160 - Internet Technologies (3-0-3)
An introduction to the different technologies that comprise the Internet. Topics include
addressing and routing, programming on the Internet, databases and web hosting,
Internet clients, web servers, and Internet security.
Prerequisite(s): CNET 1105.
INET 2165 -WebServer Support (2-2-3)
This course introduces the student to web server configuration and maintenance.
Installation of web server software as well as configuration and optimization of http,
ftp, and secure internet connections will be explored. Current technology will be used
toexplain anddemonstrate theprinciples covered in class.
Prerequisite(s): CNET 1109, INET 2160.
Journalism (JOUR)
JOUR 3011 - JournalismWorkshop (0-V-1)
A workshop for upper division students who participate in the production of student
publications or other campus print-oriented media. May be repeated for credit, not to
exceed nine semester hours. Interested students should consult with the Program