catalog-handbook - page 400

methods. Students will learn to use more advanced techniques of programming and
the application of appropriate data structures. Discussion includes, development of
graphical user interfaces, advanced coding techniques, error handling, and the
implementation of database access andmanipulation.
Prerequisite(s): ITFN 1303(C).
ITFN 2314Programming LanguageConcepts (3-0-3)
This course surveys the history of programming languages and discusses various
language paradigms and their influence onmodern programming. Students will study
the language/platform decisions associated with software development projects.
Topics include: functional vs procedural languages, logic-based languages, scripting
languages, interpreted vs compiled vs byte-code based languages, security and
performance issues.
Prerequisite(s): ITFN 1301 (C) or ITFN 1302 (C) or ITFN1303 (C) or WBIT 1310 (C).
ITFN2411 - IntermediateWebmaster (3-0-3)
An intermediate course in web page production. Topics include the application of
graphics, sound, video, and animation in the creation of interactive multimedia web
sites. Students will gain familiarity with a variety of browsers and plug-ins and will
focus on the skill of analyzing leading edge software tools. Students will examine
graphic and image formats and processing using leading edge software tools.
Prerequisite(s):ITFN 1401 (C).
ITFN 2512 - IntermediateNetworking andSecurity (2-2-3)
An intermediate course in terminology, concepts and applications of data
communications technology including network topologies, network devices, standards
and protocol analysis. The course will emphasize network LAN andWAN concepts
with data network components: wireless concepts, data security and threat analysis,
access control, securitymodels, TCP/IP, OSI model, data communications hardware,
software, facilities, andmedia.
Prerequisite(s): ITFN 1501(C).
ITFN2512L – IntermediateNetworking andSecurity Lab (1-0-1)
Laboratory accompanying ITFN 1512
ITFN 2601 - Foundations of OperatingSystems (3-0-3)
A conceptual and hands-on study of operating systems. Major areas discussed
include operating system design and theory, applications and management issues,
microcomputer and multi-user systems, including networks and mini/mainframe
systems. Also covered are files, I/O, memory and process/processor management,
networking, evaluation, tuning and application execution. Elements of operating
system resource security including process, memory, file system, and device
peripherals, will be studied.
Prerequisite(s): ITFN 1112 (C).
Prerequisite or corequisite: ITFN 1301 (C), or ITFN 1302 (C), or CSCI 1301 (C) or
ITFN1303 (C) orWBIT 1310 (C).
ITFN 2700 - AppliedResearch and/or Instruction in Information Technology (variable credit
&may be repeated)
A supervised research and/or instructional experience in Information Technology.
Offered at the lower division.
Prerequisite(s): Invitationby an ITFacultymember and approval byDepartment Chair.
ITFN2800 - SelectedTopics in Information Technology (variable credit &may be repeated)
A special course, offered at the lower division, designed to explore a specific area in
Prerequisite(s): Application to IT program for permission
ITFN 2900 - Independent Study in Information Technology (variable credit & may be
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