catalog-handbook - page 408

MGMT 3120 - Managerial Communication (3-1-3)
A study of the communication process within organizations including interactive
communications and related external communications. The course contains
significant components of writing and speaking by students and requires lab activity
related to job preparations. The official writing assessment and oral presentation
assessments for BBA students are administered in this course.
Prerequisite(s): Admission to theCollege of Business, ENGL1102 (C).
MGMT 3520 - Negotiation andConflict Management (3-0-3)
This course will explore the concept of negotiation in both the national and
international environments. Attention will be paid to topics such as strategies and
tactics, nonverbal communication, and ethical and cultural aspects. Other forms of
dispute resolution used in business, such as mediation and arbitration will also be
addressed, and thedesign of conflict management programs will be examined.
Prerequisite(s): Coursemust be taken in thestudent’s junior or senior year.
MGMT 4101 - HumanResourceManagement (3-0-3)
The principles and practices of personnel management, including the responsibilities
of personnel departments such as recruiting, placing, training and evaluating
personnel, andmeeting legal requirements.
Prerequisite(s): Coursemust be taken in thestudent’s junior or senior year.
MGMT 4102 -Organizational Behavior (3-0-3)
Study of the behavioral aspects related to the management of individuals and groups
within an organization.
Prerequisite(s): MGMT 3101(C) or HCMG 3101 (C).
MGMT 4111 - Leadership (3-0-3)
A study of the theories of leadership including the effect of leadership styles on
organizational structure, change, and effectiveness.
Prerequisite(s): Admission to theCollege of Business, MGMT 3101 (C).
MGMT 4250 -Women in Leadership (3-0-3)
This course is a survey of women in leadership from an historical and strategic
perspective. Focus is on identification of useful theories and the application of
appropriate strategies topromote thedevelopment of women in thebusiness world.
Prerequisite(s): Junior standing (60 hours or more), Admission to the College of
Business or theWomen’sStudiesminor or permission by instructor
MGMT 4302 –CaseStudies inPerformanceQualityManagement (3-0-3)
Building on MGMT 3102, this course begins with an analysis of recent industrial
applications of TQM and related readings from the current literature. A team project
will require students to develop a plan for using TQM concepts to improve quality and
productivity in their own work domain.
Prerequisite(s): MGMT 3102 (C).
MGMT 4311 - Entrepreneurship (3-0-3)
The operation of a small business enterprise; the essentials of entrepreneurship,
comprehensive business planning including market research and analysis, selecting
and leading employees, and financial analysis.
Prerequisite(s): Coursemust be taken in thestudent’s junior or senior year.
MGMT 4320 - Creativity andManagement of Change (3-0-3)
An introduction to methods and strategies used for improving individual and group
creativity and for managing planned change in organization. Effective planned change
will be studied alongwith techniques involved in implementing change.
Prerequisite(s): Coursemust be taken in thestudent’s junior or senior year.
MGMT 4403 - International Management (3-0-3)
Survey course introducing students to the considerations involved in the international
flow of people, information, funds and goods and services for commercial purposes.
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