catalog-handbook - page 392

HIST 3800 -WorldHistorical Geography (3-0-3)
Provides students with a comprehensive spatial global view and with the basic
analytical and conceptual skills required to study the diverse regions of the world,
while focusing on the instructional theme of human/environment interaction, especially
how geographical factors helped to shape history. Required for all middle level and
secondary teacher education students with a major or minor concentration in social
studies or history. Prerequisite: Any 1000 or 2000 level HIST course
HIST 3901 - Archival Internship I (0-V-3)
The student will acquire hands-on experience working with archives in such tasks as
record retrieval, patron assistance, preparing finding aids, preservingmaterials, editing
manuscripts, or performing other archival functions. The internship placement and
duties must be approved by the history experiential learning coordinator, theOffice of
Experiential Learning, and the placement site. This course is required for completion
of the archival concentration.
Prerequisite(s): HIST 3401 (C).
HIST 4001 - AfricanAmericanHistory (3-0-3)
The African Americans, from their cultural roots in West Africa to the changing
economic, political, social status over time to the present. Special emphasis placed on
the civil rightsmovement, Black nationalism, andBlack leadership.
Prerequisite(s): Any1000 or 2000 level HIST course.
HIST 4003 -Women’sHistory (3-0-3)
The role of women in the social, economic, and political development of the United
States. Contributions of women and the historical significance of their attitudes in the
liberal reform eras inAmerican history.
Prerequisite(s): Any1000 or 2000 level HIST course.
HIST 4004 - Environmental History (3-0-3)
Changing attitudes about nature and wilderness, political decisions, supervisory
institutions, and environmental problems which accompanied utilization of the earth’s
natural resources. Prerequisite: Any 1000 or 2000 level HIST course.
HIST 4010 - U.S. Intellectual History (3-0-3)
This course teaches the basics of American thought, as reflected in literature, politics,
religion, science, and laws. Prerequisite: Any1000 or 2000 level HIST course.
HIST 4020 - History of theOldSouth (3-0-3)
This course primarily explores the origins of southern society and culture, the growth
of southern distinctiveness, and the ultimate attempt to create a separate though
short-lived southern nation. Prerequisite: Any 1000 or 2000 level HIST course.
HIST 4030 –History of theNewSouth (3-0-3)
Analysis of the change and continuity in theAmerican South from the end of theCivil
War through the present. Prerequisite: Any 1000 or 2000 level HIST course.
HIST 4110 –Ancient GreeceandRome (3-0-3)
The history of the Hellenes, from the Minoan civilization through Alexander's legacy,
and the development of ancient Rome from its origins in Italy, through the rise as an
Empire embracing theentireMediterraneanWorld andWesternEurope, toChristianity
and the foundation of Constantinople. Prerequisite: Any 1000 or 2000 level HIST
HIST 4115 - History of theMiddleAges (3-0-3)
Medieval European civilization as it emerged, from the declining Roman Empire
through its apogee in the 13th century. Prerequisite: Any 1000 or 2000 level HIST
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