catalog-handbook - page 384

HFMG 3110 - Personal Health andWellness (3-0-3)
An introduction to a variety of topics concerning health and wellness. Topics will
include but are not limited to wellness and lifestyle management, basic principles of
physical fitness, nutrition, weight management, stress management, sexually
transmitted diseases, substanceuseand abuseand chronic diseases.
HFMG 3121– InjuryPrevention andRehabilitation (2-2-3)
This course is designed to provide a fundamental understanding of themost common
musculoskeletal injuries of the spine and extremities. Broad-based methods of
rehabilitation for these regions will also be taught. The course contains both a lecture
and lab component.
Prerequisite(s): BIOL 1151, BIOL 1151L or permission of instructor.
HFMG 3130 - Principles of Fitness (across populations) (2-2-3)
A study of the role of physical activity on health and the design of conditioning
programs across populations from the very young to the elderly; from the able bodied
to thephysically challenged.
Prerequisite(s):BIOL 1151, BIOL 1151L, or permission of instructor.
HFMG 3140 - ExerciseTesting&Prescription (2-2-3)
A variety of health & fitness assessment principles and techniques are covered with a
focus on both measurement expertise and safe and effective exercise prescription.
Prerequisite(s): BIOL 1151, BIOL 1151L, or permission of instructor.
HFMG 3382 - SubstanceUse inHealth Fitness (3-0-3)
This course will provide students with the background to determine the safety and
efficacy of nutritional supplements and ergogenic aids. This course will also provide
students with an understanding of the most commonly used nutritional supplements
and ergogenic aids. This course will also examine the physiological mechanisms, as
well as the risks and benefits, of thesesubstances.
Prerequisite(s): BIOL 1151 andBIOL1151L.
HFMG 3970–Practicum inHealth&Fitness (0-15-3)
This practicum course enables HFMG students to expand their clinical expertise for a
total of 225 hours during the semester and broaden their exposure to the roles of
fitness specialists.
Prerequisite(s): Junior or senior standing
HFMG 4060Personal Nutrition for Health (3-0-3)
The goal of this course is to promote healthful eating and physical activity by using
information from the Food Guide Pyramid, DietaryGuidelines for Americans and food
labels. Students will learn how to identify, purchase, and prepare healthful foods.
Course information presents a wide variety of topics including cultural diversity, the
obesity epidemic, food technology and safety of our food supply.
Prerequisite(s): BIOL 1151, BIOL 1151L, BIOL 1152, andBIOL 1152L.
HFMG 4110 - Health and FitnessManagement (3-0-3)
The study of the management and operation of programs and facilities in the health
and fitness field. The topics will include but are not limited to the organization,
planning, design, equipment, and staff of health fitness facilities. Management theories
and operational models for health fitness programs will also be covered.
Prerequisite(s): MGMT 3101 or permission of instructor.
HFMG 4400–Exercise&Sport Psychology (3-0-3)
The goal of this course is to discuss professional and ethical issues relevant to the
practice of sport psychology. Students will study different methods to understand and
evaluate psychological aspects of sport performance. Students will learn how to
enhance exercise and health behavior change as well as how to increasemotivation.
Knowledge of different counseling approaches and the effects of exercise on anxiety,
eating disorder, self-esteem and psychophysiology will be studied. Referrals to a
medical/mental allied health professional will bediscussed.
PSYC 2101, PSYC 2103, HFMG 3101
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