catalog-handbook - page 380

management across a variety of health care settings. All parts of the Regents’ must
besuccessfully completed prior to enrolling in thecourse.
Prerequisite(s): HSCI 2111 or HCMG 3112, or permission of instructor.
HCMG 3320 - HealthcareEconomics (3-0-3)
This course provides students an overview of the economic influences and
underpinnings of the healthcare delivery system. It looks at the importance of
economics in health care decisions, both demand and supply-side factors, and how
public policy influences the economy of healthcare.
Prerequisite(s): HSCI 2111 (C) or HCMG 3112 (C).
HCMG 3340 - Healthcare InformationTechnology (3-0-3)
This course is designed to provide a broad understanding needed by healthcare
managers of the critical role information technologies and systems play in healthcare
organizations. The focus is on the underlying technologies including hardware,
applications, the Internet, and E-Health; planning and project management and the
futureof information technology in healthcaremanagement.
Prerequisite(s): [HSCI 2111 (C) or HCMG 3112 (C)] andHCMG 3101 (C).
HCMG 3401 - AppliedHumanResourceManagement inHealthCareDelivery (3-0-3)
This courseprovides students with the basic skills and applications of human resource
management in the health care delivery field. Students will study the basics of
recruitment, selection, training, retention, motivation, and conflict resolution. Legal
and ethical issues in health care as well as timely topics and problems in today's
health care environment will be focused.
Prerequisite(s): HSCI 2111 or HCMG 3112.
HCMG 3501 - HealthCareSystems TQM (3-0-3)
This course is designed to apply principles of total qualitymanagement to health care
Prerequisite(s): HCMG 3101.
HCMG 3601 - Introduction toMental Health/CaseManagement (3-0-3)
This coursewill provide students with the opportunity to examine the current mental
health system including historical perspectives, medical advances, and populations in
need of mental health services and/or casemanagement. Amodel for mental health
caremanagement is introduced.
Prerequisite(s): Junior Standing.
HCMG 3701 - Introduction toEpidemiology (3-0-3)
This course provides the beginning public health or health care professional with an
introduction to the science of Epidemiology. The course will explore the use of
Epidemiology in general health care as well as in public health. It will focus on the
development of Epidemiology, concepts and elements of infectious and chronic
disease, measure and study design for epidemiological research. Students will gain
knowledge about developing preventative programs and addressing ongoing health
concerns overall using epidemiological data. All students taking this course should
have a proficiency in PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, and access to e-mail for
communication purposes during the course. Other skills needed are research, ability
towork in agroup setting, decisionmaking skills, writing and presentation skills.
Prerequisite(s): MATH 1231 (C) or HSCI 2201 (C), recommend HCMG 3101 or
permission of faculty.
HCMG 3801 - FutureTrends inHealthCare (3-0-3)
This course provides a forum for the exploration of trends in society and the work
place as they relate to health care costs, access, and delivery of services. Students
will discuss past, present, and possible future health care delivery systems based on
current practices.
Prerequisite(s): HCMG 3101.
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