catalog-handbook - page 389

HIST 3120 - TheEstablishment of theU. S., 1607 - 1800 (3-0-3)
Cultural, social, economic, and political development of Anglo-America through the
War for Independence, the formation of state and national constitutions and
governments, theFederalist years, and the "Revolution of 1800."
Prerequisite(s): Any1000 or 2000 level HIST course.
HIST 3125 - TheAge of Jefferson and Jackson (3-0-3)
The history of the U.S. from the Early Republic through 1845. Major themes include
territorial expansion, the market revolution, the rise of social reform movements,
constitutional developments, the first and second party systems, and the growth of
sectional tensions.
Prerequisite(s): Any1000 or 2000 level HIST course.
HIST 3130 - Sectionalism and theCivilWar (3-0-3)
The origins and course of the American Civil War. Emphasis on the political,
economic, social, and cultural background to thewar, itsmilitary aspects, its impact on
American society.
Prerequisite(s): Any1000 or 2000 level HIST course.
HIST 3132 –TheReconstructionEra, 1863-1877 (3-0-3)
The abolition of slavery, the political and economic remaking of the South, and the
ways the most turbulent and controversial periods in American history have been
remembered and refought by later generations.
Prerequisite(s): Any1000 or 2000 level HIST course.
HIST 3135 - TheU.S. in theGildedAge andProgressiveEra, 1877-1917 (3-0-3)
This course provides students with a deepened understanding of the emergence of
the United States as amodern, industrial nation with an increasingly important role in
world affairs. It will explore the political, social, economic, and technological changes
associated with this process.
Prerequisite(s): Any1000 or 2000 level HIST course.
HIST 3140 - Themes of TwentiethCenturyUnitedStates History (3-0-3)
A study of domestic developments in the United States during the Twentieth Century
with emphasis onmajor cultural, social, economic, and political reformmovements.
Prerequisite(s): Any1000 or 2000 level HIST course.
HIST 3150 -War andDiplomacy 1898 - Present (3-0-3)
An historical overview of the programs , policies, key events, important figures, and
enduring lessons of U.S. interactions with other nations and their peoples, from
America’s rise to the status of Great Power before World War II to its global pre-
eminence thereafter. Topics include colonialism, American involvement inWorldWar
I, interwar diplomacy, conflicts leading to World War II and the Cold War, Korea,
Vietnam, andGulfWars.
Prerequisite(s): Any1000 or 2000 level HIST course.
HIST 3210 - TheTwentiethCenturyWorld (3-0-3)
An examination of the political, social, and cultural developments of the twentieth
century, with emphasis on the era of theworld wars and theColdWar, and the end of
Prerequisite(s): Any1000 or 2000 level HIST course.
HIST 3215 - LatinAmerican-U.S. Relations (3-0-3)
A study of political, cultural, economic interaction between the United States and the
many and diversecountries of LatinAmerica since1823.
Prerequisite(s): Any1000 or 2000 level HIST course.
HIST 3221 - Colonial LatinAmerica (3-0-3)
The history of Latin America, from the development of Pre-Columbian civilizations to
the nineteenth century. Topics include Pre-Columbian America, the European
conquest of the sixteenth century and the Spanish and Portuguese colonial
Prerequisite(s): Any1000 or 2000 level HIST course.
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