catalog-handbook - page 381

HCMG 3901 - Marketing inHealthCare (3-0-3)
This course is designed to give the HCMG student an overview of basic marketing
principles and then apply them to the health care field. Analysis of the diversity of the
health care consumer's definition of care is highlighted along with the need to
distinguish between individual patients versus corporateAmericaas a customer.
Prerequisite(s): HSCI 2111 (C), HCMG 3101 (C), HCMG 3501 (C).
HCMG 4110 - Administration of ManagedCare (3-0-3)
Advanced study of methods of designing, changing, managing and evaluating
managed careorganizations.
Prerequisite(s): HCMG 3101.
HCMG 4180 - Health inCorporateSetting (3-0-3)
This course explores the issues of health and safety in the workplace. Emphasis is
placed on prevention of work-related disease or illness and promotion of wellness.
Concepts related to employee assessment and retention, environmental health
hazards, prevention of occupational disease, wellness programs, insurance issues,
ergonomics, and government standards are presented.
Prerequisite(s): Junior Standing.
HCMG 4201 - HealthCareConsulting (3-0-3)
The course introduces students to the opportunities that may be available as a health
care consultant. Class focus will center on skills, demeanor, and other areas that
contribute to asuccessful consultant.
Prerequisite or Corequisite(s): HCMG 3101.
HCMG 4220 - International HealthSystems (3-0-3)
This course is designed to investigate the basic principles and fundamentals of
international health care systems including, but not limited to, Canada, Great Britain,
Germany, and Japan. Emphasis will be placed on historical, social, political, and
structural factors, differences in financing and delivery mechanisms, expenditures,
providers, types of services, comparisons with United States impact of technology,
research and quality assessment. Additionally, issues of cost, utilization, and access
will be examined in light of current market conditions, future trends, and health care
policy in each country.
Prerequisite(s): Junior Standing.
HCMG 4310 - PublicHealthAdministration (3-0-3)
This course provides the student with an introduction to public health administration,
an understanding of how public health programs are initiated and administered at the
federal and state levels. The objectives of the coursewill be achieved through lecture,
guest speakers, student projects, Internet, and final exams.
Prerequisite(s): HCMG 4401.
HCMG 4401 - Introduction toPrimary/LongTermCare (3-0-3)
This course is designed to help the health care management student appreciate the
difference in the scope of services provided in ambulatory/primary care sites as
compared to the types of health care services often available in long-term care
Prerequisite or corequisite: HCMG 3101.
HCMG 4500 - HealthCarePolicy (3-0-3)
This is a senior level required course for all health care management students. The
course will consist of in-depth study of four major health care policy areas of the U.S.
Healthcaresystem. Prerequisite(s): Senior Standing.
HCMG 4560 - HealthCareFinance (3-0-3)
Provides opportunity to examine factors affecting the financing of health care. Current
systems of financing health care are discussed. Budgetary concepts, financial
management, cost accounting and management under rate control and competition
presented and analyzed. Differences between goods and service industries are
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