catalog-handbook - page 374

ENGL 4114 - Adolescent Literature (3-0-3)
A thematic study of literature for adolescent and young adult audiences. This study
will analyze a broad representation of materials, including those which focus on a
variety of ethnic groups, cultural experiences, and historical periods. This course is
required for all middle level teacher education students with a major concentration in
Prerequisite(s): ENGL 1102 (C) and [ENGL 2111 (C), ENGL 2112 (C), ENGL 2121
(C), ENGL2122 (C), ENGL 2131 (C), or ENGL 2132 (C)].
ENGL 4120 - AmericanRealism&Naturalism (3-0-3)
Major works of American literature from 1860 to 1914 including Twain as well as
writers outside the traditional canon.
Prerequisite(s): ENGL 1102 (C) and [ENGL 2111 (C), ENGL 2112 (C), ENGL 2121
(C), ENGL2122 (C), ENGL 2131 (C), or ENGL 2132 (C)].
ENGL 4130 - Southern Literature (3-0-3)
Major works of Southern American literature from the Romantic period to postmodern
writings, including Faulkner andwritings outside the traditional canon.
Prerequisite(s): ENGL 1102 (C) and [ENGL 2111 (C), ENGL 2112 (C), ENGL 2121
(C), ENGL2122 (C), ENGL 2131 (C), or ENGL 2132 (C)].
ENGL 4140 - ModernAmerican Literature (3-0-3)
American poetry, prose, drama, and nonfiction from 1900 to the present. Topics vary
from semester to semester.
Prerequisite(s): ENGL 1102 (C) and [ENGL 2111 (C), ENGL 2112 (C), ENGL 2121
(C), ENGL2122 (C), ENGL 2131 (C), or ENGL 2132 (C)].
ENGL 4150 - ContemporaryAmerican Literature (3-0-3)
A survey of contemporary American Literature during the period of 1945 to the
Prerequisite(s): ENGL 1102 (C) and [ENGL 2111 (C), ENGL 2112 (C), ENGL 2121
(C), ENGL2122 (C), ENGL 2131 (C), or ENGL 2132 (C)].
ENGL 4200 - Medieval Literature (3-0-3)
Major works of literature from Old and Middle English, including Chaucer, medieval
plays, and examples of other earlyBritish literary traditions.
Prerequisite(s): ENGL 1102 (C) and [ENGL 2111 (C), ENGL 2112 (C), ENGL 2121
(C), ENGL2122 (C), ENGL 2131 (C), or ENGL 2132 (C)].
ENGL 4210 - RenaissanceLiterature (3-0-3)
Major works of British poetry, prose, and drama from the late 15th century through the
mid-16th century, includingShakespeare andMilton.
Prerequisite(s): ENGL 1102 (C) and [ENGL 2111 (C), ENGL 2112 (C), ENGL 2121
(C), ENGL2122 (C), ENGL 2131 (C), or ENGL 2132 (C)].
ENGL 4215- Shakespeare (3-0-3)
A survey of Shakespeare’s dramatic works with primary emphasis on the major
comedies and tragedies and some attention to the histories, problem plays, and
Prerequisite(s): ENGL 1102 (C) and [ENGL 2111 (C), ENGL 2112 (C), ENGL 2121
(C), ENGL2122 (C), ENGL 2131 (C), or ENGL 2132 (C)].
ENGL 4221 –SeventeenthCenturyLiterature (3-0-3)
A course focusing on the major movements, issues, or themes in the study of
SeventeenthCentury Literature inBritain.
Prerequisite(s): ENGL 1102 (C) and [ENGL 2111 (C), ENGL 2112 (C), ENGL 2121
(C), ENGL2122 (C), ENGL 2131 (C), or ENGL 2132 (C)].
ENGL 4222 - EighteenthCentury Literature (3-0-3)
A course focusing on the major movements, issues or themes in the study of
EighteenthCenturyLiterature inBritain, 1689-1783.
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