catalog-handbook - page 367

Prerequisite(s): EDUC 3000 (C), EDUC 3010 (C), EDUC 3350 (C), and EDUC 4710
EDUC4002 - Teacher EducationSeminar III (1-0-1)
This course is the senior seminar for the Spring Semester portion of a full academic
year internship (August-May). It addresses topics dealing withmethods, materials, and
skills appropriate for teaching all learners. This seminar occurs concurrently with the
Middle Level Internship II. The design of this course augments the classroom
experience of interns through action research studies, projects, and seminar topics,
which includes university faculty as well as school-based teachers, administrators and
resource persons. This seminar allows interns opportunities to discuss various
teaching experiences, issues and concerns while student teaching. Special topics will
address learning strategies for instructing diverse and special needs pupils.
Admission to the teacher educationprogram required. Senior standing.
Prerequisite(s): EDUC 4001 (C), EDUC 4710 (C), EDUC 4712 (C), and EDUC 4720
EDUC4050Cultural Perspectives for Teachers of English Language Learners (3-0-3)
This course focuses on cultural patterns of thought, communication and behavior,
paying particular attention to the interests and needs of teachers who teach English
Language Learners. The course will give students insight into how intercultural
communication factors affect the success and performance of students in K-12
settings by investigating and evaluating the relationships between the culture,
behavior and communication of students, teachers, administrators, parents and
community groups.
EDUC 4060 - AppliedLinguistics for Teachers of English Language Learners (3-0-3)
This course provides an introduction to language as a system, with a particular focus
on teaching English as a second language to students in public schools, Grades Pre
K-12. Among the topics addressed are: first and second language acquisition
processes; English phonology, morphology, syntax, and discourse; implications for
teaching English language learners the four language skills – listening, speaking,
reading, and writing; and implications for teaching content-specific language (math,
science, social studies).
EDUC 4070--Theory, Research, andPedagogy in theStudy of Reading (3-0-3)
This course examines theories of language development and acquisition of reading
and writing as well as the methodologies and materials used in reading programs.
Students analyze strategies, materials, and organizational designs for teaching
reading to all students including those representing diverse cultural and linguistic
EDUC 4071--IntegratingLanguage, Literacy, and TechnologyAcross Content Areas (3-0-3)
In this course students examine literacy instructional strategies and materials in the
content area classroom including technical reading and writing, prior knowledge,
research-based strategies, supplemental texts, methods of grouping, concept
development, comprehension, vocabulary, and study strategies. Students understand
how to communicate, integrate and apply language and literacy, and technology
strategies and skills within the content areas. Special emphasis is placed upon
teaching struggling readers and or diverse learners.
EDUC 4072--LiteracyAssessment andClassroom Instruction (3-0-3)
This course involves advanced study of the planning and managing of classroom
literacy events based on formal and informal assessment information, and an
understanding of the literacy needs of all grade-level learners across the
developmental continuum. Candidates examine ways of recording, analyzing, and
using assessment information in daily classroom instruction.
EDUC4700GiftedClinical Practice Internship (3-0-3)
This course is the internship for a four-course Gifted-in-Field Endorsement Program.
Considerable time will be spent allowing students to test basic principles and
techniques in gifted and creative education and to relate theory to practice in selected
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