catalog-handbook - page 366

final practicum involves aminimum of 7 hours a day for 12 consecutive weeks during
one semester in a public school setting.
EDUC3040 - Principles andStrategies for TeachingEnglish LanguageLearners (3-0-3)
The focus of this course is to share a variety of instructional strategies that support
English Language Learners. This course provides educators with knowledge of key
principles andmethodologies that undergird and support English language acquisition.
Topics include first and second language acquisition models, variables affecting
limited English proficient learners, learning strategy research, and instructional
strategies for developingEnglishproficiency.
EDUC3200 - SecondarySchool Curriculum andAssessment (3-1-3)
This course is designed to offer a critical examination of standards and other
influences on themodern secondary education curriculum. The course will provide an
overview of the theories and application of developing the secondary school
curriculum and instructional strategies, current trends, problems and challenges posed
to the curriculum. Additionally, the course will study the rise of the assessment
movement, its importance, and its use in the classroom. Candidates will explore
teaching, learning and assessment strategies along with using instructional
technologies, materials and resources for appropriate learning. Field experience is
required. Candidates must be admitted to a secondary education program, have
junior/senior standing andproof of liability insurance toparticipate in thecourse.
Prerequisite(s): EDUC 2110, EDUC 2120 andEDUC 2130
EDUC 3210 - ClassroomMethods andManagement (3-1-3)
This course is designed to examine theories of discipline and motivation. It will focus
on principles of classroom management and organization, building relationships and
rapport, and considering alternative behavior management plans. In addition,
candidates will learn teaching methods such as the use of time, space, and materials
for instruction as management techniques. Topics will address how knowledge of
general teaching methods and classroommanagement may improve teacher quality
and student outcomes, including closing the achievement gap. Candidates will learn
general methods for teaching English Language Learners (ELL), and differentiation of
instruction for diverse learners. Field experience is required. Candidates must be
admitted to a secondary education program, have junior/senior standing and proof of
liability insurance to participate in the course.
Prerequisite(s): EDUC 2110, EDUC 2120 andEDUC 2130.
EDUC 3350 - Instructional Strategies for Individual and InterdisciplinaryTeaching (3-0-3)
This site-based course provides students the opportunity to understand the unique
characteristics of themiddle school as well as the instructional strategies that teachers
in the middle school use to meet the diverse needs of the young adolescent student.
Instruction will focus on the organizational structure of the middle school, role of
support personnel, instructional strategies, motivation and discipline, effective
elements of instruction, and evaluation. Students will work with the development of
thematic units which utilize current curricular models and instructional strategies to
support an academic team approach to teaching the middle level learner. Taught on
siteat middle schools. Required of all middle level teacher educationmajors.
Prerequisite(s): EDUC 3010.
Corequisite(s): EDUC 3000.
EDUC4001 - Teacher EducationSeminar II (1-0-1)
Senior seminar to meet specific requirements of the teacher education program and
related experiences in the fall semester internship course. The course is the fall
semester seminar portion of the full academic year internship. It is designed to
amalgamate and assimilate interns’ field-experiences with theory, investigation, and
understanding of best practices for teaching middle-level learners. Special seminar
topics for dialogue and discourse will focus on support services for special needs
students, classroom management strategies, teaching and learning for diverse
learners and effective instruction. Required of all middle-level teacher education
majors. Must be taken first semester of senior year. Admission to the teacher
education program is required. Institutional credit only. Senior standing.
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