CRJU 3400 –Courts in theUnitedStates (3-0-3)
This course offers a general understanding of the processes and functions of criminal
court systems in the United States. The following topics will be examined: the
historical development of criminal courts; different types of law; characteristics of
Federal and state courts; functions and responsibilities of prosecutors, defense
attorneys, and judges; the criminal trial process; plea bargaining; sentencing options
anddecisions; and characteristics of appellate courts.
Prerequisite: CRJU 1150 or (PARA1101 andPARA 2207).
CRJU 3410 - Criminal Law andProcedures (3-0-3)
An overview of criminal law and of the fundamental elements of criminal procedures
including methods and rules of police investigation and arrest, adjudication,
sentencing, and appellate review by higher courts.
Prerequisite: CRJU 1150
CRJU3420 - Constitutional Law (3-0-3)
A study of the application, interpretation, and enforcement of relevant constitutional
lawand relatedSupremeCourt decisions to careers in public service.
Prerequisite: CRJU 1150 or (PARA1101 andPARA 2207).
CRJU3600 - JuvenileJustice (3-0-3)
This course provides students with an in-depth view of the juvenile justice system in
theUnited States focusing on crime patterns, police-juvenile relations, juvenile courts,
and correctional practices.
Prerequisite: CRJU 1150 or (PARA1101 andPARA 2207).
CRJU 3700 –Victimology (3-0-3)
This course offers a multidisciplinary overview of criminal victimization including the
legal and philosophical issues regarding victimization, social science research into
victimization, theories of victimization, the role of victims in the criminal justice and
legal systems and the social andpsychological impacts of victimization.
Prerequisite: CRJU 1150
CRJU3800 –RestorativeCommunity Justice (3-0-3)
This course offers a critical examination of the historical and philosophical roots, the
principles, and practices of an alternative model of justice, which contrary to its
retributive counterpart encompasses active participation of all key stakeholders
(victims, offenders, and the community) in the process of healing the multiple harms
caused by predatory crime; a model of justice broadly known as Restorative
Community Justice.
Prerequisite: CRJU 1150
CRJU 4150 –CrimePrevention (3-0-3)
This course is designed to introduce students to the topic of crime prevention.
Specifically, students will examine theories of crime prevention and focus on crime
prevention strategies employed by various agencies to help reduce crime
opportunities and the chances of victimization.
Prerequisite: CRJU 1150
CRJU 4200 - Criminal JusticeEthics (3-0-3)
This course examines the ethical considerations facing the criminal justicepractitioner.
Topics include determining moral behavior, ethics and law enforcement, ethics and
the courts, ethics and corrections, policy andmanagement issues.
Prerequisite: CRJU 1150 or (PARA1101 andPARA 2207).
CRJU4301 –ColdCases (3-0-3)
This course provides students with a historical understanding of how Cold Cases
developed in theUnitedStates, and provides an evaluationmodel for ColdCases with
an actual case file for students to evaluate.
Prerequisite: CRJU 1150