inequality, social and cultural constructions of gender, women's sexualization and
objectification, masculinities, gender differences in offending, and several specific
crime issues such as rape, domestic violence, and sexual harassment. The course
encourages ideas and suggestions that can be put in place to end gender based
inequality and crime, and topromote social justice.
Prerequisite: CRJU 1150
CRJU 3200 - LawEnforcement (3-0-3)
A study of the philosophy and history of law enforcement at the federal, state, county,
and city levels. Also included is an introduction to contemporary police organizations
andmethods of operation.
Prerequisite: CRJU 1150 or (PARA1101 andPARA 2207).
CRJU 3210 - Criminal Investigations (3-0-3)
A study of the organization and functions of investigative agencies and basic
considerations in the investigation of crime. Topics covered include: the collection and
preservation of physical evidence, elements of legal proof in the submission of
evidence, sources of information, interview and interrogation techniques, uses of
forensic sciences, and case and trial preparation.
Prerequisite: CRJU 1150 or (FOSC 1101 or SCI 1901F) or (PARA 1101 and PARA
CRJU3220 - DomesticSecurity (3-0-3)
This course addresses issues related to domestic terrorism and violent extremist
criminal activity, including detection and investigation, early interdiction and
prevention, and readiness.
Prerequisite: CRJU 1150 or (PARA1101 andPARA 2207).
CRJU3230 –Criminal JusticeAdministration (3-0-3)
This course examines the theories of motivation, leadership, and organization in the
police context. Police administrative and management functions are studied
emphasizing personnel management and organizational change.
Prerequisite: CRJU 1150 or (PARA1101 andPARA 2207).
CRJU3240 –CommunityPolicing (3-0-3)
This course examines the relationship between law enforcement agents and the
community they serve. Topics include regular and meaningful police involvement in
the community, quality of life conditions, problem solving and coordination with
community serviceorganizations, andpolicing in a culturallydiverse society.
Prerequisite: CRJU 1150 or (PARA1101 andPARA 2207).
CRJU 3300 - Corrections (3-0-3)
A study of the history, structure, and functions of corrections, and the legal and
philosophical basis for the punishment of criminal offenders. Study will include the role
of corrections as one of the threemajor components of the criminal justicesystem.
Prerequisite: CRJU 1150 or (PARA1101 andPARA 2207).
CRJU 3330 –CommunityCorrections (3-0-3)
This course explores the relationship between the correctional system, prisons, and
the community. It examines the community-based alternatives to incarceration,
including but not limited to probation and parole. It examines the historical
development of major correctional programs based in the community, and explores
the current vision of community corrections. Concepts and problems in administration,
organization, investigation, and supervision are discussed. Selection and discharge
process will be examined.
Prerequisite: CRJU 1150
CRJU3343 - Principles of PublicAdministration (3-0-3)
Public Administration examines the methods and procedures of governmental
administration and the control of public bureaucracies in democratic societies.
Prerequisite(s): HIST 2111 (C) or HIST 2112 (C), POLS 1101 (C), junior or senior