DHYG 4300C - AdvancedClinical Dental Hygiene I (0-12-4)
Emphasis is placed on improving skills in dental prophylaxis, instrument sharpening,
radiographic technique and dental health treatment planning coordinated with
appropriate chair-side dental health instruction. Advanced procedures introduced in
DHYG 4300 are practiced and clinical experiences enhanced through participation in
Prerequisite(s): DHYG 3200C.
Corequisite(s): DHYG 4300.
DHYG 4301 - Educational Strategies and Internship (2-3-3)
The principles of clinical and didactic educational strategies will be introduced.
Development of objectives, course content, presentation methods and evaluation of
content related to dental hygiene students will be expected for course completion.
The internship includes didactic and clinical/laboratory instruction for dental hygiene
Prerequisite(s): R.D.H. licensure inGeorgia.
DHYG 4310 - Dental Pathology (3-0-3)
The student is introduced to the principles of general pathology, oral pathology, and
oral medicine related to the etiology, progression, recognition, and treatment of
numerous pathological conditions. Course content focuses on pathology of oral
structures, oral manifestations of systemic diseases and pathologic identification of
infectious diseases. Emphasis is placed on the importance of early recognition by the
dental hygienist of abnormal oral conditions
Prerequisite(s): B.S.D.H. Admission.
DHYG 4320 - AdvancedPeriodontics (3-0-3)
The current American Academy of Periodontics classification system for periodontal
diseases and conditions will be explored in detail and advanced treatment modalities
for the periodontally involved patient will be examined. B.S.D.H. students will
participate in the evaluation, management, and treatment of the periodontally involved
patient within thedental hygiene clinic setting. B.A.S.D.H. students will participate in a
directed field experience that will concentrate on the dental hygiene diagnosis and
treatment of advancedperiodontal diseases and conditions.
Prerequisite(s): B.S.D.H. Admission or R.D.H. licensure inGeorgia.
DHYG 4400 - AdvancedDental Hygiene II (2-0-2)
A continuation of DHYG 4300. Principles are introduced in advanced procedures
including but not limited to application of pit and fissure sealants, dentinal
hypersensitivity treatments, debonding and use of the PSR system. Legal, ethical,
andmanagement aspects of the dental care system, laws and rules governing dental
and dental hygiene practice, career alternatives, job searching skills and an overview
of the dental specialties are alsopresented for discussion. The research poster will be
refined and presented to various groups and the dental hygiene portfolio will be
finalized in this course.
Prerequisite(s): DHYG 4300.
Corequisite(s): DHYG 4400C.
DHYG 4400C - AdvancedClinical Dental Hygiene II (0-12-4)
Clinical experiences center on improving proficiency and increasing efficiency in all
areas of applied dental hygiene, dental radiography, and treatment planning for total
dental hygiene care. Clinical experiences are enhanced through participation in
externships and directed field experiences.
Prerequisite(s): DHYG 4300C.
Corequisite(s): DHYG 4400.
DHYG 4410 - CommunityDental Health (2-3-3)
The study of dental health as a community problem with emphasis on theory and
practice of dental public health and preventive dentistry, and the role of the dental
hygienist in promoting dental health on community, state, and national levels. The
practice of dental health as a community problem will be emphasized. Students will
be required to teach dental health in a variety of settings. Local, state, national and/or