catalog-handbook - page 346

production and distribution, networks, local stations, advertising and promotion,
audience ratings and new technologies.
Pre-requisites: ENGL 1102 (C), CMS 2010 (C)
CMS 3710 -Writing for Digital Media: Theory andPractice (3-0-3)
An advanced writing course that examines dispersed computer networks as new
media forms. The course surveys the aesthetic, historical, and theoretical contexts
that shape communication using digital media. It also offers hands-on experience in
thedevelopment of hypertext andmultimediadocuments.
PrerequisitesENGL1102 (C).
CMS 3720 - NewMediaDesign (3-0-3)
A studio course that focuses on aesthetic and communicative applications of graphic,
streaming, and interactive digital media. Class projects will result in a portfolio of work
integrating sound, typography, photo illustration, andmoving images.
Prerequisite(s): CMS2100 (C); [ENGL 3901 (C) or CMS 3710 (C)].
CMS 3810 -Women andPopular Culture (3-0-3)
This course explores how women are represented in American popular culture, and
how popular culture shapes our common sense notions regarding women, men, and
our gender-specific roles in society.Wewill consider what types of images wesee and
hear in various forms of popular culture, including Hollywood movies, fashion
magazines, television, advertising, music and popular health. We will then question
howwe learn to respond to and interpret thesemessages. Throughout our course we
will study how pop cultural texts work to create meanings and how we can become
critical consumers of thosemessages.
Prerequisite(s): CMS2100 (C); ENGL 1102 (C).
CMS 3820 –Screenwriting (3-0-3)
In this course, students will study themechanics of screenwriting. The courseexplores
dramatic structure including film language, story, and character development.
Students will analyze and apply various techniques in writing for the screen.
Prerequisites: ENGL 1102, CMS 2100
CMS 3901 - Internship/Practicum inCommunication andMediaStudies (0-10-3)
This course is theprincipal experiential learning component of theCommunication and
Media Studies degree program. The placement site will be in a professional
communication, performance, or other media environment—either on- or off-campus,
as appropriate—related to the career interests or goals of the individual student.
Studentsmust coordinate their placements bothwith their desired internship/practicum
sites and with the Clayton State Office of Experiential Learning. Placement
opportunities outside the U.S. are encouraged. Enrollment is limited to students
majoring in Communication and Media Studies and also requires program approval.
The course is repeatable for credit.
Prerequisite: CMSmajors only, CMS 3101 (C); COMM 3100 or 3300 (C)
CMS 3902 - Internship: Teaching and Instruction (0-10-3)
This course offers Communication and Media Studies students an additional
experiential-learning opportunity that may be completed in addition to the required
internship, CMS 3901. The course involves supervised work in teaching, training,
and/or tutoring related to the career interests or goals of the individual student.
Enrollment is limited to students majoring in Communication and Media Studies and
also requires program approval. Thecoursemay be repeated for credit.
Prerequisite: CMSmajors only andCMSprogram permission.
CMS 3903 - AdvancedMediaProduction (0-10-3)
This course offers Communication and Media Studies students an additional
experiential-learning opportunity that may be completed in addition to the required
internship, CMS 3901. The course involves supervised work in advanced media
production related to the career interests or goals of the individual student. Enrollment
is limited to studentsmajoring inCommunication andMediaStudies and also requires
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