catalog-handbook - page 344

basic elements of motion-picture form: camerawork, editing, narrative, sound, and
mise-en-scène. The course also locates contemporary filmmaking within historical and
international contexts. Note: Learning Support students who are required to take
ENGL 0099 and/or READ 0099 must exit the requirement(s) before they can enroll in
this course.
CMS 2410 –Digital Imaging I (3-0-3)
Introduction to camera-based digital imaging and editing. Students learn basic
composition and lighting techniques and process photographs for print, television, and
Internet distribution.
CMS 2420 – Introduction toFieldProduction (3-0-3)
An introduction to the production and distribution of networked digital media.
Readings and assignments teach the basic concepts employed in
production/distribution as well as hands-on skills using hardware and software.
Students are required to provide a digital audio/video recording device (e.g. smart
phone or camcorder) that meets the specifications of theCMS program.
Prerequisite(s): ENGL 1102.
CMS 3020 - ResearchMethods (3-0-3)
This course provides CMS majors with the necessary skills to conduct independent,
primary, interdisciplinary research in Media Studies and Cultural Studies. Students
learn a variety of humanistic and social-scientific methodologies, which may include
some or all of the following: in-depth interviewing, focus groups, archival research,
content analysis, semiotics and textual analysis. Students choose an appropriate
media topic to study through a variety of researchmodes andmethods over the length
of the semester. Open to students whohave been admitted to theCommunication and
MediaStudies (CMS) minor or BA programs.
Prerequisites ENGL 1102 (C), CMS 2010, (C), CMS 2100 (C), COMM 1110 (C),
passing score on theCMSWritingAssessment.
CMS 3101 - Media andCulture (3-0-3)
An introduction to humanities-based approaches to the study of media and culture.
Theories of textual and visual signification are introduced, including the contributions
of discursive contexts and audience expectations. The class considers questions of
test, quality, and cultural identity, particularly as applied to contemporary and
emerging technologies. Open to students who have been admitted to the
Communication andMediaStudies (CMS) minor or BAprograms.
Prerequisite(s): CMS 2010, (C), CMS 2100 (C), COMM 1110 (C), ENGL1102 (C),
passing score on theCMSWritingAssessment.
CMS 3110 –Media Industries (3-0-3)
Study of film, broadcast, print, and Internet industries, explaining how these industries
work in thecorporateworld.
Prerequisite: CMS 2010 (with aminimum grade of C)
CMS 3200 - History of Communication (3-0-3)
A chronological survey of major types and media of human communication, from pre-
history through the present day, focusing upon the interrelationships between
communication media and their larger social and cultural contexts. The history of
communication leading toEnglish-languagemedia is themain focus, but comparisons
and contrasts with other world communication systems will alsobe explored.
Prerequisite(s): CMS 2100 (C), CMS 2010, (C), COMM 1110 (C), ENGL1102 (C).
Recommended: Completion of AreasC andE.3.
CMS 3310 - FilmHistory (3-2-3)
A study of both artistic and technological developments in American and international
cinema, with emphasis on significant filmmovements and filmmakers. Key films will
beexamined in depth. Attendance is required for weekly out-of-class screenings.
PrerequisitesENGL1102 (C), CMS 2100 (C).
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