Business (BUSA)
BUSA 3101 - BusinessStatistics (3-0-3)
Application of statistical techniques to business problems. Includes descriptive
statistics, business forecasting, statistical inference, and regression. Computer
software used in this course.
Prerequisite(s): Admission to theCollege of Business, MATH1231 (C).
BUSA 3700 - BusinessEthics andCorporateSocial Responsibility (3-0-3)
This case study course requires students to analyze a variety of complex business
situations and to form and justify plausible decision alternatives that reflect ethical
concepts, concern for multiple stakeholder groups, and a range of decision-making
criteria, processes, and outcomes.
Prerequisite(s): Coursemust be taken in the student’s junior or senior year.
BUSA 3800 - Selected Topics inBusiness (3-0-3)
An examination of selected topics pertinent to the field of business. May be repeated
when topics vary.
BUSA 4446 - Managerial Economics (3-0-3)
Microeconomic topics applicable to understanding and analyzing firm behavior;
optimization, demand, estimation, production, and cost theory. Application to business
Prerequisite(s): ECON 2105 (C) andECON 2106(C) or TECH 3111 (C) or BUSA 3111
(C) BSUR 3111 (C).
BUSA 4850 - Internship/CooperativeEducation (VariableCredit)
Individually designed learning program involving field experience in private or public
sector. Program of study and student supervision must be approved by the Dean of
Business or designee and Director of Experiential Learning. May be repeated for
Prerequisite(s): Admission to theCollege of Business.
BUSA 4900 - Independent Study/DirectedResearch andReadings (VariableCredit)
Special work arranged in consultation with instructor. Requires approval of the Dean
or AssociateDean.
Prerequisite(s): Admission to theCollege of Business.
BusinessLaw (BLAW)
BLAW 2106 - Legal Environment of Business (3-0-3)
An introduction to the legal, regulatory, political, social, ethical, culture, environmental,
and technological issues which form the context for business. The course will include
an overview of the impact of demographic diversity on organizations.
Prerequisites: Exempt or exit LearningSupport.
BLAW 3370 - IntermediateBusiness Law (3-0-3)
A study of legal aspects of contracts, sales contracts, negotiable instruments agency,
partnerships, corporations, and property for the purpose of expanding the student's
understanding of the legal rights and liabilities in theordinary courseof business.
Prerequisite(s): BLAW 2106 (C), or BUSA 2106 (C).
Career Planning (CAPL)
CAPL 1000 - Career Planning (2-0-2)
Provides opportunity to develop career decision-making skills through exploration of
theprocesses of self-assessment, research, planning, andmarketing.