catalog-handbook - page 329

BIOL 1151L - HumanAnatomy andPhysiology Laboratory I (0-2-1)
Laboratory accompanyingBIOL 1151.
Corequisite(s): BIOL 1151.
BIOL 1152 - HumanAnatomy andPhysiology II (3-0-3)
A continuation of BIOL 1151 which typically includes study of control systems of the
body, maintenance systems and continuity.
Prerequisite(s): BIOL 1151with a grade of C or higher andBIOL1151L.
Corequisite(s): BIOL 1152L.
BIOL 1152L - HumanAnatomy andPhysiology Laboratory II (0-2-1)
Laboratory accompanyingBIOL 1152.
Prerequisite(s): BIOL 1151 andBIOL1151L
Corequisite(s): BIOL 1152.
BIOL 2250 - Microbiology for theHealthSciences (3-0-3)
A study of the morphology, growth, modes of transmission and relationship to
diseases of pathogenic micro-organisms. This course is useful to students enrolled in
programs in thehealth sciences.
Prerequisite(s): BIOL 1151with a grade of C or higher andBIOL1151L.
Corequisite(s): BIOL 2250L.
BIOL 2250L - Microbiology for theHealthSciences Laboratory (0-3-1)
Laboratory accompanyingBIOL 2250.
Corequisite(s): BIOL 2250.
BIOL 2500 - IntroductoryPlant Biology (2-0-2)
Survey of the plant kingdom with greatest emphasis on structure and function of
Prerequisite(s): BIOL 1107 with a grade of C or higher, and BIOL 1107L with a grade
of C or higher, BIOL 1108 with a grade of C or higher andBIOL 1108L with a grade of
C or higher.
BIOL 3200 - Cell Biology (3-0-3)
An exploration of life's basic unit. Students will examine the cell from both structural
and functional viewpoints. The fundamentals of cellular chemistry, life cycles, and
regulation will bediscussed. Seminal experiments in cell biologywill beexamined, and
current studies in primary research journals will be addressed. Students will gain an
understanding of how contemporarymethods of laboratory experimentation are being
used tounravel themysteries of life's irreducibleunit.
Prerequisite(s): BIOL 1107 with a grade of C or higher, and BIOL 1107L with a grade
of C or higher, BIOL 1108 with a grade of C or higher andBIOL 1108L with a grade of
C or higher, CHEM2412/2412L, can be taken concurrently.
BIOL 3201 -Genetics (3-0-3)
A study of Mendelian principles, molecular genetics and population genetics. The
cellular andmolecular mechanisms of inheritance, gene expression and influences on
evolution are included.
Prerequisite(s): BIOL 1107 with a grade of C or higher , andBIOL 1107L with a grade
of C or higher , BIOL 1108 with a grade of C or higher andBIOL 1108L with a grade of
C or higher.
BIOL 3222 -Off-Campus Internship (3-0-3)
Internship program for selected students who perform supervised biological work in
conjunction with professionals at local government, academic or private institutions.
Employers coordinate with the University to evaluate student performance in the
workplace. Students will be assigned a grade of Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory after
completion of the internship.
Prerequisite(s): BIOL 1107 with a grade of C or higher, and BIOL 1107L with a grade
of C or higher, BIOL 1108 with a grade of C or higher andBIOL 1108L with a grade of
C or higher, and consent of thehead of thedepartment of Natural Sciences.
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