catalog-handbook - page 383

proper fundamentals and techniques utilized in an aerobic conditioning program.
Students will participate in awalkingprogram to enhanceaerobic fitness.
HFMG 1011 - FreeWeight Training for Fitness (0-2-1)
This course is structured for the beginning free weight lifting student. It is designed to
increase the knowledge, understanding, and values of properly performed free weight
training exercises. A variety of exercises will be performed with the emphasis on
technique and safety. Students furnish appropriate attire and properly soled athletic
HFMG 1013 - BeginningVolleyball &Badminton (0-2-1)
Beginning volleyball will concentrate on skill development of the pass and the serve,
dynamics of the game, general rules and physical preparation. Beginning badminton
will include the basic shots, service, footwork, singles and doubles strategy, and rules
of thegame.
HFMG 1050 - Fit For Life: Physical Conditioning (0-2-2)
Supervised circuit training. Emphasis is placed on cardiovascular conditioning,
muscular strength, and endurance. This course will improve the student's knowledge
concerning the development andmaintenance of a healthy lifestyle. Students will also
gain an understanding of the concepts of wellness and how each component impacts
their ability to live a healthy, fulfilled life. It is recommended that the student obtain a
physical examination from a licensed medical professional and have his or her
medical history reviewed by a designated staff member prior to participating in this
course. An orientation to the course is required during the first week of class. (Not
recommended to students with previous credit for any quarter system PHED 202
HFMG 1101 - Survey of Health and Fitness Professions (1-0-1)
An introduction to professional career opportunities available in the fields of health and
HFMG 2001 - Introduction toMaster Fitness Trainer (3-0-3)
This course is a contemporary study of U.S. Military health, physical fitness, and
weight control programs, publications, policies, and research applications all designed
to: (1) prepare military warriors for combat operations within various environmental
conditions, (2) promote and practice healthy lifestyles during peacetime, and (3)
administer wellness assessments in-accordance-with (IAW) branch-specific
regulations, fieldmanuals, and software.
HFMG 2110 - First Aid andCPR (2-2-3)
This course is designed to teach the student basic first aid and emergency
management procedures and skills for a variety of injuries and sudden illnesses.
course contains both a lecture and practical component. Certification in first aid and
CPR will be awarded upon the satisfactory completion of the written and practical
course requirements.
HFMG 3101 - Kinesiology (2-2-3)
A study of human movement. Topics will include but are not limited to structural
anatomy, biomechanics and qualitative movement analysis. The biomechanical
etiology of various injuries will be studied.
Prerequisite or Corequisite: Anatomy/Physiology - BIOL 1151, BIOL 1151L or
permission of instructor.
HFMG 3102 - Physiology of Exercise (3-0-3)
A study of the physiological responses of the human body to exercise. Topics will
include but are not limited to the neuromuscular, cardiovascular, respiratory,
metabolic, hormonal, and thermal responses and adaptations toexercise.
Prerequisite or Corequisite: Anatomy/Physiology - BIOL 1151, BIOL 1151L or
permission of instructor.
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