catalog-handbook - page 436

POLS 3343 - Principles of PublicAdministration (3-0-3)
Public Administration examines the methods and procedures of governmental
administration and the control of public bureaucracies in democratic societies.
Prerequisite(s): POLS 1101
POLS 3350 - International Relations (3-0-3)
International Relations examines the international order, conflict and war,
determinants of foreign policy, global actors and the dynamics of political interaction
between nation-states.
Prerequisite(s): POLS 1101
POLS 3360 - TheU.S. Congress (3-0-3)
TheU.S. Congress and the Legislative Process presents an in-depth treatment of the
origins, development, operation of theU.S. Senate andHouseof Representatives.
Prerequisite(s): POLS 1101
POLS 3370 - TheU.S. Presidency (3-0-3)
The U.S. Presidency examines the historical development of the presidency, the
constitutional powers, the personalities, the roles and the relationship with other
governmental entities.
Prerequisite(s): POLS 1101
POLS 3380 - Interest Groups andPolitical Parties (3-0-3)
Interest Groups and Political Parties examines the nature, structure and functions of
interest groups and political parties in differing national cultural contexts with particular
attention to electoral activity and their role in the policymaking process.
Prerequisite(s): POLS 1101
POLS 3382 -Women andPolitics (3-0-3)
Women and Politics examines the social status and political activities of women in
America and other societies, exploring the causes, methods, and results of political
involvement bywomen.
Prerequisite(s): POLS 1101
POLS 3385 - Campaigns andElections (3-0-3)
Campaigns and Elections provides an in-depth look at the process of selecting
governmental leaders in theUnitedStates. Includes asegment on foreign elections.
Prerequisite(s): POLS 1101
POLS 3386 - MassMedia andPolitics (3-0-3)
Mass Media andPolitics examines the role of themass media in society. Emphasis is
placed on the media's role in the social, legal and political processes in the United
States , as well as other democratic and non-democratic countries.
Prerequisite(s): POLS 1101
POLS 3388 - AfricanAmericanPolitics (3-0-3)
An examination of African American political behavior, including the theoretical
underpinnings of political action, the electoral preferences of African Americans, and
the roleof AfricanAmericans inUnitedStates political institutions.
Prerequisite(s): POLS 1101
POLS 4410 –Politics of theDevelopingWorld (3-0-3)
This courseprovides students with anunderstanding of the diversityand complexities
of thedevelopingworld. It will examine thegeneral characteristics andpoints of
contrast of developing countries. The coursewill also familiarize students with the
challenges that these countries face, and acquaint students with the various
mechanisms used tomeasure the levels of progress in developing countries.
POLS 4420 - Political Philosophy (3-0-3)
Political Philosophy is a A survey of the political thought of such great thinks as
Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Burke, Hume, Hegel, Mill and Marx
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