catalog-handbook - page 438

POLS 4451 - Politics of Europe (3-0-3)
Politics of Europe is designed to acquaint students with political institutions and
processes of individual European nations and regional organizations including NATO
and the European Union in the post-Soviet era. Particular emphasis will be placed on
analysis of the relations of thesecountries with theUnitedStates on selected issues of
contemporary relevance. This course examines key countries and studies their
political structure in detail.
Prerequisite(s): POLS 1101
POLS 4452 - Politics of Asia (3-0-3)
Politics of Asia examines contemporary sociopolitical and economic characteristics
needed to understand the many countries of Asia . In addition, a "country profile"
approach will also be used. Particular emphasis will be placed on analysis of the
relations of these countries with theUnitedStates on selected issues of contemporary
relevance. This course examines key countries and studies their political structure in
Prerequisite(s): POLS 1101
POLS 4453 - Politics of Africa (3-0-3)
Politics of the Africa examines contemporary sociopolitical and economic
characteristics needed to understand the many countries of Africa. In addition, a
"country profile" approach will also be used. Particular emphasis will be placed on
analysis of the relations of thesecountries with theUnitedStates on selected issues of
contemporary relevance. This course examines key countries and studies their
political structure in detail.
Prerequisite(s): POLS 1101
POLS 4454 - Politics of theMiddleEast (3-0-3)
Politics of the Middle East examines contemporary sociopolitical and economic
characteristics needed to understand regional culture in the many countries of the
Middle East/North Africa. The role of Islam, theGulf War, the quest for development,
the Palestine issue, and democracy versus authoritarianism are themes that will be
covered in the course. In addition, a "country profile" approach will also be used.
Particular emphasis will be placed on analysis of the relations of these countries with
the United States on selected issues of contemporary relevance. This course
examines key countries and studies their political structure indetail.
Prerequisite(s): POLS 1101
POLS 4455 - Politics of LatinAmerica (3-0-3)
Politics of Latin America is designed to acquaint students with political institutions and
processes of nations in the region. Particular emphasis will be placed on analysis of
the relations of these countries with the United States on selected issues of
contemporary relevance. This course examines key countries and studies their
political structure in detail.
Prerequisite(s): POLS 1101
POLS 4490 - Internship/Practicum inPolitical Science (3-0-3)
Internship/Practicumwill constitute an independent (individual or small group) political
science project applying social sciences methodology, research and analysis to actual
political environments. The student will prepare and submit a significant political
science paper and or project. This coursemay be successfully completed amaximum
of two times for a total of 6 credit hours. Requires the approval of thePolitical Science
Prerequisite(s): POLS 1101
POLS 4491 - Internship/Practicum inPolitical Science (3-0-3)
Internship/Practicumwill constitute an independent (individual or small group) political
science project applying social sciences methodology, research and analysis to actual
political environments. The student will prepare and submit a significant political
science paper and or project. Requires the approval of the Political Science Program
Coordinator. Prerequisite(s): POLS 1101
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