catalog-handbook - page 83

Financial Information
General RegulationsonTuitionandFees
Themajority of the operating budget of Clayton StateUniversity comes from
appropriations passed by the Georgia General Assembly and allocated to the
institution by the Board of Regents. Other sources of funds include student
tuition, fees, contracts, gifts, and grants, including those from the Georgia
Department of Technical andAdult Education.
Semester fees are payable on or before registration payment deadlines as
published for each semester. A student’s registration process is not complete
until payment ismade in full. It is the student's responsibility to see that his or
her tuition and fees are paid even if the funds are provided by financial aid,
scholarship, or someother source.
Checks should be made payable to Clayton State University for the exact
amount of the required fees. During thenormal registration period, theUniversity
accepts payment online or in person by VISA, American Express, Discover, and
MasterCard subject to validation and approval. (Payment of fees may not be
deferred). All fees are due and payable per deadlines published in theSchedule
of Classes.
A complete tuition and fee schedulemay be found on theRegistrar’s website
by going t
Books, Software, andOtherCourse-RelatedCosts
Textbooks, software, and other materials or expenses required for courses
at Clayton State University are the responsibility of the individual student.
Textbooks and other coursematerials are sold at the Loch Shop andmay also
be available from off-campus sources. Materials may be ordered online
The cost of
coursematerials varies with the course of study the student pursues; however,
the typical full-time student may expect to spend between $250 and $450 or
moreeach semester for coursematerials.
Financial Aid andScholarships
TheFinancial AidOffice assists students with financing their education. For
information on financial aid and scholarship programs available at Clayton State
University, go to theFinancial Aidwebsit
NursingandDental HygieneExpenses
A student enrolling in a program in Nursing or Dental Hygiene should expect
additional expenses for uniforms, graduation pins, immunizations, and liability
insurance. In the case of Dental Hygiene students, there are costs for
instruments. A list of such costs isavailable from theCollege of Health.
Auditor Fees
A student who wishes to audit a course will be charged the same fees as a
student taking the course for credit. Financial Aid will not pay for the audited
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