catalog-handbook - page 88

approach to learninghasbeen dubbed “ubiquitousmobile computing.” Electronic
communication between faculty and students and among students has become
the normal way of doing business at Clayton State. Over the past eight years,
Information Technology Project has developed into an unqualified success in its
most importantmeasure–the improvement of the teachingand learningprocess.
In short, it is the policy of Clayton State that every student own or have
ready, on demand access to a notebook computer to use for academic
assignments and communications. This will often require taking the computer to
NotebookComputer Policy
For hardware and software specifications and additional details, go to the
University's ITP-Choicewebsite
Computer Access.
Each Clayton State student is required to have ready
access throughout the semester to a notebook computer that meets faculty-
approved hardware and software requirements for the student's academic
program. Studentswill signa statement attesting to suchaccess.
A student hasa variety of options for “access.” Student ownership of an
appropriate computer will be themost common approach, but a student
may also lease, rent, or share a notebook computer that meets
minimum requirements as long as the student has regular, unrestricted
access to themachine.
For students who choose ownership, a list of vendors of notebook
computers is provided to all students on the University's Information
Technology Project Choicewebsite. Note the "Preferred" vendor status
next to some of the vendors' names. Vendors are given preferred
status only after training and authorizing the Clayton State help desk
(the HUB) to perform in-warranty repairs on notebook computers
purchased by Clayton State students. Use of aClayton State preferred
vendor isnot required.
2. Standard Software.
The notebook computer that the student has ready
access to must include the Clayton State standard software load plus
additional softwareneeded for the student’smajor program.
ClaytonStatewill make the standard software load available to currently
enrolled students as part of the $57.00 technology fee. It will be the
student’s responsibility to bring the notebook computer to the help desk
(theHUB) to obtain the software.
Additional software necessary for specific courses and/or programs will
be available for purchase from theClayton StateCampus Store and/or
other vendors.
3. Internet Access.
Each Clayton State student is required to have ready
access to the Internet (WorldWideWeb) and to use a Clayton State e-mail
Each student will be responsible formaking his or her own arrangement
with an Internet Service Provider (ISP). No specific ISP is considered
preferred by Clayton State although the University recommends high
speed broadband access via DSL or cable modem. Check with your
local providers for availability, speeds and pricing. Students are
cautioned to pay careful attention to the ISP’s reputation for reliability
and customer service.
Clayton Statewill provide each student with an e-mail address through
theClayton State electronic post office. The student will be responsible
for monitoring this address on a regular basis for assignments and
official communications fromClaytonState faculty and administrators.
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