Financial Information
A refund of all tuition and fees (except those specifically identified as non-
refundable) shall be made in the event of the death of a student at any time
duringan academic semester. (Contact theRegistrar’sOffice for details.)
Military students are entitled to a full refund of tuition and fees paid for a
semester of enrollment in the following cases: (1) students who aremembers of
the Georgia National Guard or other reserve components of the Armed Forces
who receive orders to activemilitary duty after the first day of classes, and (2)
military personnel on active duty in the Armed Forces who, before the end of
their present station assignment, receive emergency orders for a temporary or
permanent changeof duty location. (Contact theBursar’sOffice for details.)
BadCheck andDelinquent Account Policy
If a financial institution declines payment of a personal check tendered by a
student and returns it to the University, the student will be charged $30.00. If a
student check used for payment of registration fees is returned, the student will
be assessed a late registration fee in addition to the service charge. A stop
payment of a check does not constitute a formal withdrawal from the University
or cancellation of registration and is considered a returned check. Official
transcriptsof credit will not be issued for studentswhoseaccounts in theBursar’s
Office are held to be delinquent. If necessary, legal action will be initiated by the
University for the collection of debts. Students who submit bad checks may be
required topaybyothermethods in the future.