Admission Information
Inmost cases, the Clayton State University Institutional GPA will serve the
needs of a student whose academic performance was weak in previous years.
However, another option is available to students through theAcademic Renewal
Policy of the University System of Georgia. This policy allows degree-seeking
studentswho have experienced academic difficulty at Clayton StateUniversity to
make a fresh start after an absence of
five calendar years
from any and all
colleges or universities to have
final opportunity to earn an associate or
baccalaureate degree. Former Developmental Studies/Learning Support
studentsmay apply for AcademicRenewal only if they successfully completed all
LearningSupport requirements
the commencement of the five-year period
of absence. UniversitySystem policy is as follows:
1. All previously attemptedClayton State coursework continues to be recorded
on the student’s official transcript. A cumulative grade point average
including all courses taken and an Academic Renewal Cumulative Grade
Point Average must be shown on each Academic Renewal student’s
permanent record.
a. AnAcademicRenewal CumulativeGradePoint Average (CGPA) begins
when the student resumes taking coursework following the five-year
period of absence once approval for Academic Renewal has been
granted. The institutionwill placea statement on the student’s transcript
indicating the Academic Renewal status and the beginning of a
separateAcademicRenewal CGPA.
b. The Academic Renewal CGPA will be used for determining academic
standingandeligibility for graduation.
c. Academic credit for previously completed coursework–including transfer
coursework–will be retained only for courses in which
A, B, C
, or
grades have been earned. Retained grades are
calculated in the
AcademicRenewal CGPA.
d. To earn a degree, a student must meet the institution’s residency
2. A student can begrantedAcademicRenewal statusonlyonce.
3. Any scholastic suspensions that occurred in the past shall remain recorded
on the student’spermanent record.
4. If a student does not request Academic Renewal status at the time of
re-enrollment after a five-year or greater period of absence from any college
or university, the student may do so within two academic semesters of
re-enrollment or within one calendar year, whichever comes first. The
AcademicRenewal CGPAbeginswith the first term following re-enrollment.
5. Reentry intoany specific degreeprogram isnot automatic.
6. Thegranting of AcademicRenewal does not supersede financial aid policies
7. The granting of Academic Renewal may supersede the admissions
requirements of certain programs (e.g., teacher education, nursing), which
require a specificminimum grade point average based upon all coursework.
Thisdecisionwill resideat the institutional level.
8. Any currentlyenrolled student whowasnot enrolled at a collegeor university
for a period of five calendar years may apply for an Academic Renewal
CGPA. The Academic Renewal CGPA for currently enrolled students
begins with the first time following re-enrollment after the five-year period of
absence fromany collegeor university.
9. UnitedStates andGeorgia history and constitution requirementsmet prior to
the granting of Academic Renewal will remain on the student’s permanent