catalog-handbook - page 74

Admission Information
Generally, students participating in joint enrollment or the early admission
program take college-level courses from theUniversity System CoreCurriculum
or courses for whichCoreCurriculum courses areprerequisites or co-requisites
To participate in either program a student must be enrolled in public or
private secondary high school, which is accredited by one of the following:
Regional accreditingassociation (suchas theSouthernAssociation of
Colleges andSchools)
GeorgiaPrivateSchool AccreditingCommission (GAPSAC)
AccreditingCommission for Independent Study (ACIS)
Public school regulated bya school system and statedepartment of
Students who are interested in joint enrollment or early admission may be
eligible for funding under ACCEL via the Georgia Student Finance Commission
(GSFC). The ACCEL Program provides qualified Georgia high school students
with the financial assistance and opportunity to earn college degree-level credit
hours, while they simultaneouslymeet their high school graduation requirements.
To receive ACCEL Program funding, authorized participants must complete an
ACCEL Program application. Courses funded under the program must come
from theGSFCapproved coursedirectory.
Theminimum admission standards for joint enrollment and early admission
MinimumSAT I scoreof 970, combinedVerbal andMathematics
sections, or ACTCompositeof 20;
Minimum cumulativehigh school gradepoint averageof 3.0or higher in
courses taken from the required 16CPCunits;
Exemptionof all learning support requirements for earlyadmission;
Written consent of parent or guardian (if the student isaminor);
On track towards the completionof theUniversitySystem ofGeorgia
16-unit CPC requirements and high school graduation.
Students intending to complete their CPC or high school graduation
requirements by enrolling in college courses must also meet the following
admission requirements:
CPCEnglishand/or Social Science - studentsplanning to complete
their 4th year high school English and/or social studies requirements
with college creditmust haveanSAT I Verbal scoreof 530 or higher or
ACTEnglish scoreof 23.
CPCMath - student'splanning to complete their 4th year of high school
mathematicsmust have completedAlgebra I and II andGeometryand
haveaSAT IMathematics scoreof at least 530or ACTMathematics
scores of at least 22.
Electives - students canenroll inappropriateelective courses as
approved by thehigh school counselor. Studentsmust havecompleted
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