Admission Information
two unitsof a foreign language to enroll ina college foreign language
courseand students threeunitsof scienceprior toenrolling ina college
science course.
Admission to Clayton State University
– joint enrolled or early admission
program students must be admitted to the university and are required to
complete appropriate admissions requirements, including a CSU Application for
Special AcademicRecognitionandHonorsPrograms
Clayton State University joint enrolled or early admission students are
afforded the opportunity to achieve a special academic recognition and
participate in variousuniversity sponsored honor societyprograms.
FreshmanScholar – studentsaccepted into the joint enrollment or early
admissionprogramwithanSAT score (combinedmath/verbal) of 1060
or higher andaminimum cumulativehigh school gradepoint averageof
3.0or higher (in courses taken from the required 16CPCunits), receive
special recognitionasaFreshmanScholar. A student designated asa
FreshmanScholar (whileparticipating in the joint enrollment or early
admissionprogram)mustmaintaina 3.0averageor higher on all
ClaytonStateUniversity collegework inorder tomaintain thespecial
recognition status.
PTK International Honor Society –qualifyingFreshmanScholars
receivean invitation toparticipate in the renownedPhi ThetaKappa
International Honor Society and societymembers ingood standingare
eligible for additional academichonors, scholarships, and programs.
PTK LeadershipDevelopment StudiesProgram - joint enrollment or
early admission program studentswill receivean opportunity to engage
thenationally recognizedPTK LeadershipDevelopment Studies
Program courseand community service component.
ProgramContact Information
– additional program information can beobtained
by contacting (678) 466-5053.
Transient Students
A student in good academic standing at another college or university may
apply for admission and enrollment as a transient student at Clayton State.
Transient status is usually limited to one term at a time, andenrollment is subject
to the following requirements and conditions:
1. An applicant must complete an application for admission and furnish
documentation from the Registrar of the college or university last
attended that includes the following:
a. a recommendation for transient admission to Clayton State
b. a statement that the student is eligible to return, and
c. a list of recommended courses to be taken at Clayton State
2. Transient enrollment is on a space-available basis, and some courses
may be closed to transient students at some stages of the registration