GettingStarted inanOnlineCourse
When students register for an online course, theymust attend orientation or
submit an assignment as required by the course instructor by the semester
payment deadline.
If a student does not attend the Orientation or submit an assignment, the
student will be considered a “No Show” and will encounter the consequences
explained in the semester Schedule of Classes. Emailing the instructor will not
suffice for attendanceand the student will be counted asano-show.
The instructor’s e-mail address and information about orientation sessions
are usually included with the appropriate course listing in the Clayton State
Schedule of Classes or on the Online Instruction Website. If students have
difficulty contacting their instructor by e-mail, they should call the school that
offers the course (Arts & Sciences, (678) 466-4700; Business, (678) 466-4500;
Health, (678) 466-4900; Information&Mathematical Sciences, (678) 466-4420.
Withdrawal FromCourses
All registrations are final and students are obligated to pay tuition and fees
as of theend of the late registration period. Agrade symbol will beplaced on the
transcript for all courses in which the student is registered as of the end of the
late registration period.
Students who wish to receive a grade of W (withdrawal) or, in certain
circumstances, WF (withdrew failing) must act in accordance with the policies
and procedures explained hereand in the semester Scheduleof Classes.
OfficialWithdrawal FormRequired
A student desiring to withdraw from a specific class, multiple classes, or all
classes must submit an official withdrawal form to the Office of the Registrar.
Studentmaywithdrawonline via theDUCK or in person in theRegistrar’sOffice.
A withdrawal is not official and will not appear on the transcript unless the
official form is properly submitted. Although it is good practice to discuss
withdrawal intentions with instructors and other University Officials, the student
must be aware that such discussion (whether oral or written) does not constitute
official withdrawal. If a student attends class and then quits coming but does not
submit anofficial withdrawal form, the student will beassigned agradeof F.
Withdrawal beforeMidterm
A student who completes the official withdrawal process prior to the
publishedmidterm date for the term of enrollment will be assigned a grade of
(withdrew) regardless of the reason for withdrawal or how the student is
performing in the class. A grade of
is not included in the calculation of the
Grade Point Average (GPA), but it may have implications for continued financial
aideligibility. (Consult theFinancial AidOffice.)
Withdrawal afterMidterm
As noted above, prior to midterm a student may withdraw for any reason
whatsoever and receive a grade of
. However, withdrawal after midterm is
subject to academic penalty (accountability) as follows: A student who completes
the withdrawal process after the published midterm date for the term of
enrollment will beautomatically assigned a gradeof
(withdrew failing) unless
a hardship exception isgranted. A
counts inGPA just likea gradeof