UndergraduateStudent Codeof Conduct
All allegations involving domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and
stalkingwill be treated seriously, and the victims tobe treatedwithdignity.
1. Theallegations investigated andadjudicated by theappropriate criminal
and civil authorities, and tohaveassistance from campus personnel of
notifyingproper authorities.
2. Bothpartieswill receivewritten outcomesof all disciplinaryproceedings
at the same time.
3. Bothpartiesmay haveanadvisor of their choicepresent during any
conduct relatedmeetingsor hearing
4. The right to cooperation from campuspersonnel for gatheringand
5. The right tobe informedof andassisted in exercisingoptionsof
mandatorydisease testingof the suspects.
6. The right to counseling (including victim serviceagencies).
7. The right to changes in living or academic situations to prevent contact
When an allegation of
Domestic/Intimate Partner Violence, Stalking and
ismadeor aComplaint is submitted, it will be referred to the
University Title IX Coordinator for determination of appropriate
resolution/investigation procedures in accordance with University policy. For
matters involving students, the Vice President of Student Affairs will be notified;
for employees, the appropriate Dean or Vice President will be notified. It is
important to note that mediation or other forms of informal resolution will not be
used to resolve sexual misconduct complaints.
A report of the results of any investigation along with a recommendation for
resolutionof theallegation or Complaint and/or disciplinaryactionwill bemade to
the appropriate Vice President within 60 days of the date the investigation was
initiated. When the investigation is concluded and resolution approved by the
appropriate Vice President, the Title IX Officer/or designee will notify the
Complainant and Respondent of the results of the investigation and initiate
prompt remedial or correctiveactionwherewarranted.
In the event the actions were of such an egregious nature that the individual
would constitutea threat to the safety andwell-being ofmembers of the campus,
immediate action may be taken. The accused individual shall be given written
notice of the intention to impose the suspension or removal from campus and
shall be afforded due process. This policy does not preclude anyone from
pursuinga complaint, at any stageof theprocess, withany external agency.
Disciplinary Sanctions for Sexual Misconduct Violations
- Possible violations
for Sexual Misconduct violations include, but are not limited, to disciplinary
probation, no-contact orders, developmental sanctions, educational courses,
suspension, andexpulsion from theUniversity. Both theaccused student and the
accuser will be notified in writing of any sanctions that are imposed against the