UndergraduateStudent Codeof Conduct
recommendations to the President. The President will review the
recommendations submitted by theCommitteeand render adecision.
ThePresident will communicate his or her decision to the student within ten
(10) business days after an appeal is filed. This is the final appeal at the
institutional level. Therefore, anypenalty imposedwill be ineffect immediately.
If applicable, the President will communicate to the student the process for
appealing thedecision to theBoardof Regents.
Appeal toBoardof Regents
In cases involving University suspension or expulsion, and when all
institutional appellate procedures have been exhausted, the student may appeal
to the Board of Regents under conditions described in the
and the
The following are
excerpts from thesedocuments:
Each application for review shall be submitted inwriting to the Board’s
Office of Legal Affairs within a period of twenty days following the decision of the
president. It shall state the decision complained of and the redress desired. A
hearing before theBoard (or aCommittee of or appointed by theBoard) is not a
matter of right but iswithin the sounddiscretionof theBoard.
In consideringwhether appeals […] shall bepresented to theBoard, the
Chair shall consider (1) whether the record suggests that amiscarriage of justice
might reasonably occur if the appeal is not reviewed by the Board, (2) whether
the record suggests that the institutional decision, if not reviewed by the Board,
might reasonablyhavedetrimental and system-wide significance, or (3) any other
facts which, in the judgment of the Chair, merit consideration by the Board of
The disciplinary measure imposed will be in effect during a Regents’
appeal unless special dispensation is granted by the President of the University
or theChancellor of theUniversitySystem ofGeorgia”.
TheBoard of Regents PolicyManual and Bylaws regarding student appeals
can be found at
Special Procedures for reporting and responding to situations involving
Domestic/Intimate Partner Violence, Stalking and Sexual Misconduct
Sexual Misconduct is a violation of Clayton State University policy
Federal law andmay also result in criminal prosecution. Sexual Misconduct can
occur between strangers or acquaintances, and even people involved in intimate
or sexual relationships. Sexual Misconduct canbe committed bymen or women,
and it can occur between people of the same or different gender. Additionally,
examples of actions and situations that constitute Sexual Misconduct may
include, but are not limited to, the following defined below and definitions remain
the same regardless of who engages in the behavior: university employees,
students, or non-students.
Sexual Harassment
: Unwelcomeconduct, based on sex or gender stereotypes,
which is so severe or pervasive that it unreasonably interferes with a person’s
University employment, academic performance or participation in University