catalog-handbook - page 30

UndergraduateStudent Codeof Conduct
The charged student will be presented with all charges in writing on the
“Specification of Charges” form by the conduct officer. The student will respond
inoneof the followingways to each charge:
1. Deny responsibility for the charge(s) and request a hearing before a
HearingOfficer or theUniversityHearingPanel.
(a) HearingOfficer –A facultyor administrative staffmember
designated by theDirector of theOfficeof CommunityStandards.
In cases involving graduate students accused of academic
misconduct, the faculty member must be a graduate level faculty
(b) University Hearing Panel – A faculty/staff/student committee
designated by theDirector of theOfficeof CommunityStandards.
One faculty member, one staff member, and two students must be
present tohear casesof studentmisconduct.
Two faculty members must be present in addition to one staff
member and two students to hear cases of academic misconduct.
In cases involving graduate students accused of academic
misconduct, all faculty and student panelists must be graduate
It is the responsibility of the Office of Community Standards to
provide orientation and support for the University Hearing Panel
and hearing officers, and be the custodian of all records pertaining
to the committeeactions.
2. Admit responsibility for the charge(s) and waive his/her right to a
hearing and appeal. Sanctionmay be determined by the conduct officer
or oneof theabovehearingauthorities.
Absenceof Accusedor Lackof Cooperation
If the student is absent from theUniversity communitywhilea disciplinary case is
pending or if a student declines to participate in thedisciplinary process, then the
student is not absolved of responsibility.
1. Students who leave campus during, or fail to cooperate with the
investigativephaseof thedisciplinary process, or whodecline to choose
an option provided, or who absent themselves before notice of a
scheduled hearing can be given, will have their case adjudicated in
absentia. A reasonableeffort will bemade to locate the student through
ordinary channels such as telephone, email, or regular mail. If the
student does not respond to the request to return for a conduct meeting
within three (3) business days, a hearingmay be scheduled in absentia
and actionwill be taken aswarranted by the factsof the case.
2. Students who choose an option for disposition of their case, have a
hearing scheduled, andwho fail toappear at such ahearingafter proper
notice has been given, will have their cases adjudicated in absentia at
the scheduled hearing time.
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