UndergraduateStudent Codeof Conduct
Student Code of Conduct, a student may, in addition to other outcomes, be
administrativelywithdrawn from the courseandmay receivea gradeofWF.
Section 401 of the Board of Regents’ policies, authorizes each institution to
develop appropriate policies and procedures to discipline students /
organizations for the violation of Clayton State University’s rules. In accordance
with this responsibility, disciplinary sanctions shall be applied only after the
requirements of due process, fairness, and reasonableness have beenmet. The
aim of any disciplinary action is the redirection of student behavior toward the
achievement of their academicgoals.
The President has delegated the function of student discipline to the Vice
President and Dean for Student Affairs, and he in turn designates the Office of
CommunityStandardsand its staff tohandle theday-to-daydisciplinaryprocess.
The following disciplinary procedures are used to guide the fair and uniform
enforcement of the Student Code of Conduct. These procedures are applicable
to any student or student organization when charged with a violation of the
Student Codeof Conduct. Procedures allow for fact-findingand decision-making
in the context of an educational community, and encourage students to accept
responsibility for their own actions. The intent is to provide adequate procedural
safeguards to protect the rights of the individual student and the legitimate
interestsof theUniversity.
OverviewofOptions forDealingwithDisruptiveStudentBehavior Inand
Out of theClassroom
If a facultymember determines that any improper classroom
behavior is limited toa singleevent or isof a less seriousnature, the faculty
membermay choose toaddress the infraction in the classroom, ormay speak to
theoffending student individuallyoutsideof the class. An individualmeeting
outsideof class presents anopportunity to explore thenatureof themisconduct
with the student, and to reiterate the facultymember’sexpectations for
behavioral standards. Themeetingwith the student should bedocumented in
writing, noting the specific guidelines and consequences thatwere
communicated to the student. Depending upon thebehavior, a referral to the
Student Behavior ConsultationTeam (SBCT
or the initiationof the “Conduct Process”maybeappropriate.
If the facultydetermines that any improper
behavior is of a recurringpattern, isof a seriousnatureor if the facultymember
feels threatened or if themisconduct isof anabusivenature, the studentmay
immediatelybedismissed from theactual classroom for the remainder of the
current classperiodby the instructor. For example, a studentwho becomes
physicallyor verballyaggressive shouldbedismissed from the classroom, and
PublicSafetymaybe called for anynecessaryassistanceat themain number
(678) 466-4050 or at theemergency number (770) 960-5151. The faculty
member should, in instances of student’s dismal from a classperiod, immediately
initiate the “Conduct Process” described belowby contactingwith theOfficeof
Dismissal fromCourse.
A student who fails to respond to reasonable faculty
direction regarding classroombehavior and/or behavior whileparticipating in
classroomactivitiesmay bedismissed froma course for the remainder of the
semester after “dueprocess.” A student isentitled todueprocess (see “Conduct