UndergraduateStudent Codeof Conduct
Plagiarism andMisrepresentationofWork
No student will represent theworkof others as his or her own. Themes,
essays, term papers, tests, presentations and other similar assignments
must be the work of the student submitting them. When direct
quotations are used, they must be indicated with quotation marks and
when the ideas of another are incorporated, theymust be appropriately
No student will submit the sameassignment for two courseswithout the
prior consent of the instructor.
No student will give or receive assistance; take, steal or otherwise
procure any unauthorized materials; or otherwise commit an infraction
of the established rules and procedures governing the administration of
tests or exams, including for national or local testing programs.
G. Falsification&Fabrication
No student will provide unauthorized or false information, citation, or
documentation inany academic exercise.
II. General Conduct Regulations
A. Damage toProperty/Vandalism
Damage toProperty
Damageor destruction of propertybelonging to theUniversityor to a
member of, or visitors to, theUniversity community is prohibited.
Intentional damageor destructionof propertybelonging to theUniversity
or toamember of, or visitors to, theUniversity community isprohibited.
B. Deception
1. Misuse of any University records, identification cards, forms, or
other documents through forgery, misrepresentation, unauthorized
alteration, unauthorized reproduction, or other unauthorizedmeans
2. Intentionally providing false information, either written or oral, to the
University or to any administrative unit of the University, is
3. Attempted or perpetrated fraud against the University or members
of theUniversity community isprohibited.
4. Withholdingor omitting requested or required information from the
C. DisorderlyAssembly
1. Studentswill not assembleon campus for thepurposeof creating a
riot or destruction, or disorderly diversion which interferes with the
normal operationof theUniversity. This shouldnot be construed as
denial of the right to peaceful, non-disruptiveassembly.