catalog-handbook - page 22

UndergraduateStudent Codeof Conduct
is prohibited and isdefined as repeatedly contacting
another personwhen:
a. The contactingperson knowsor should know that the contact
isunwanted by theother person; and
b. The contact causes theother person reasonableapprehension
of imminent physical harm or the contactingperson knowsor
should know that the contact causes substantial impairment of
theother person’sability toperform theactivities of daily life.
As used in this subsection, “contacting” includesbut is not
limited to communicatingwithor remaining in thephysical
presenceof theother person.
Sexual Misconduct
is prohibited. This is defined as behavior
directed toward an individual which:
a. Constitutes conduct of a sexual nature that threatens physical
harm, endangers the health and safety of any person, or that
which a reasonable person would know was unwanted and
would causeemotional distress, and/or,
b. Interfereswithan individual’s ability to perform at theUniversity
academicallyor socially.
N. Failure toComply
1. Failure to comply with the directions of University or public officials
acting in the performance of their duties on University-owned or
controlled property or at University-sponsored or supervised
activities when such conduct constitutes a danger to
personal/public safetyor property isprohibited.
2. No student will fail to report for a conference, meeting or
appointment with anyUniversity official.
3. No student will fail toappear asawitness in a judicial casewhen
properly notified.
4. Failure to complywith the terms of anydisciplinary sanction
imposed in accordancewith theStudent Conduct Codeor a
UniversityHearingAuthority isprohibited.
5. Failure to complywithany establishedUniversitypolicy is
P. Hazing
Any situation, circumstance, or environment created by a student or
organization that is purposefully instigated to illicit mental or physical
discomfort, embarrassment, harassment or ridicule to aspiringmembers
on or off university premises.
Note: Georgia Code: O.C.G.A. § 16-5-61 (2009):
It shall be unlawful
for any person to haze any student in connection with or as a condition
or precondition of gaining acceptance, membership, office, or other
status in a school organization. Any person who violates this Code
section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated
Q. Littering
Disposing of any form of litter on University premises or at university-
sponsored activities other than indesignated receptacles isprohibited.
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