catalog-handbook - page 19

UndergraduateStudent Codeof Conduct
a. Intentionally infectingnetwork serversor other computers
witha virus
b. Connectingnetworking equipment including, but not
limited to servers, routers, hubsand switches, and
wireless access points to the campusnetworkwithout
written authorization from theOfficeof Information
c. Sending harassingmessages toother computer users
either at CSUor through external networks
d. Using inappropriate, offensive, or abusive language to
other userswithin theCSUnetwork, or through external
e. Tamperingwith ormodifyingaccessed equipment
f. Causing intentional damage to computer systems
g. Obtainingadditional resources not authorized to the
individual user
h. Depriving other users of authorized resources
i. Acquiring access tounauthorized systems
j. Utilizing another user’s account andpassword
k. Broadcastingnon-business related email toCSU faculty,
staff and students (includingbut not limited to “For
Rent/Sale” andpersonal notes to the campus)
l. Broadcastingunsolicited email and e-mail that is in
violationof th
2. No student may in any way abuse or misuse computer files or gain
access to unauthorized computer files. Georgia Code 89-9903 on
“Stealing, altering, etc. of public documents,” states that “Noperson
shall steal...alter...or void any record.” TheCode defines record to
include “audiovisual material in any format, magnetic or other
tapes, electronic data processing records.” Violation of this law is
considered a felony and punishable by incarceration of two to ten
I. Tobacco
1. Useof all forms of tobaccoproductsonall propertyowned, leased
or rented by theUniversity isprohibited.
“TobaccoProducts” is
defined as cigarettes, cigars, pipes, all formsof smokeless tobacco,
clove cigarettes and any other smoking devices that use tobacco
suchashookahs or simulate theuseof tobacco suchaselectronic
Formore information se
J. Misuseof Alcohol andOther Drugs
Clayton State University prohibits the possession or consumption of
Alcoholic beverages on the Clayton State University Campus or any
area affiliatedwithClayton StateUniversity is prohibited. Exceptions to
the policy of no alcohol on campusmay from time to time be permitted
at the discretion of the president, and there are other limited exceptions
to this policy within the Clayton Station Apartments by those over the
ageof 21.
alcoholicbeverages on theClaytonStateUniversity
campus or anyarea affiliatedwithClaytonStateUniversity is
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