catalog-handbook - page 18

UndergraduateStudent Codeof Conduct
2. Students will not obstruct the free movement of other persons
about the campus, interfere with the use of University facilities, or
physically interferewith thenormal operationof theUniversity.
D. DisorderlyConduct
1. All lewd, obscene, indecent behavior, or other forms of disorderly
conduct on University property or at any function sponsored or
supervised by the University is prohibited. This includes
belligerent, abusive, profane, and/or threatening behavior, and
conduct which is patently offensive to the prevailing standards of a
college community, but should not be interpreted as an
infringement on theFirst Amendment rightsof individuals.
2. The abuse or unauthorized use of sound amplification equipment
indoorsor outdoorsduring classroomhours isprohibited.
3. No student will threaten to, or purposefully, push, strike, or
physically assault any member of the faculty, administration, staff,
or student body, or any visitor to the campus.
4. Conduct on University property, or at functions sponsored or
supervised by the University which interferes with the normal
operation of the University or the requirements of appropriate
discipline, isprohibited.
5. No student will enter or attempt to enter any University-sponsored
event without credentials for admission as established by the
sponsors. At such University functions, students must present
proper credentials to properly identified University officials upon
E. Gambling
The unauthorized playing of cards or other games for money or other
itemsof value isprohibited on campus.
F. Theft
No student will take, attempt to take, or keep in his or her possession
items not legally possessed by him or her including but not exclusively,
items of University property, or items belonging to students, faculty,
staff, student groups or visitors to the campus, without proper
G. UnauthorizedEntryorUseof UniversityFacilities/Equipment
1. No student will make unauthorized entry into any University
building, office, grounds or other facility nor will any person remain
without authorization inany buildingafter normal closinghours.
2. No student will make unauthorized use of any University facility or
equipment. Authorization of the use of University
facilities/equipmentmay bewithdrawn or otherwise restrictedat any
H. Misuseof Computer Equipment
1. No studentmayuseUniversity-owned computer equipment unless
authorized todo so. All usersmust abideby the regulations
regarding authorization, priorityof use, computer access and the
basic rulesof courtesy. (Se
more information) Usersagree tonot takeanyaction considered
inappropriatebehavior including, but not limited to the following:
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