catalog-handbook - page 35

UndergraduateStudent Codeof Conduct
Housing Expulsion-
A decision of housing expulsion permanently
terminates the student’s status as a residential student. A student
expelled from housing may not enter any University housing facility
without specific authorization from the Vice President of Student Affairs
or the Dean of Students. Students expelled from housing will not
receivea refundof their housing cost.
University Expulsion
- A decision of expulsion permanently terminates
the student’s status as an enrolled student at the University. An
expelled student may not enter any part of the campus without specific
authorization from the Vice President of Student Affairs or his/her
designee and is considered trespassing without such permission.
For Disciplinary Sanctions for Sexual Assault/Misconduct Violations see
Special Procedures for reporting and responding to situations involving
Domestic/Intimate Partner Violence, Stalking and Sexual Misconduct Situations
Possible violations for Sexual Assault/Misconduct violations include but
are not limited to disciplinary probation, no-contact orders, suspension, and
expulsion from theUniversity and/or developmental sanctions. Both the accused
student and the accuser will be notified in writing of any sanctions that are
imposed against theaccused.
Appeal Process
The purpose of an appeal is to review the procedures and findings of the
hearing/sanctioning authority of original jurisdiction and to determine if there
is a basis for appeal in a conduct hearing or decision. Students charged
with violations of the Student Code of Conduct have the right to appeal
decisions of the Hearing Panel, the Conduct Officer, or a Hearing Officer,
provided specific relevant grounds for appeal can be cited. Students who
accept responsibility for violations of the Student Code of Conduct waive
their rights toahearing and toan appeal.
A studentmayappeal a conduct decisionon the followinggrounds:
1. A violationof dueprocess.
2. Evidenceof prejudicial treatment by theoriginal hearing authority.
3. Penalty imposedwas tooharsh for thenatureof the violation.
4. New information becomes available that was not previously
availableduring theoriginal hearing.
Theappeal authoritymay:
1. Affirm theoriginal decisionanddeny theappeal.
2. Affirm the findings of responsibility and modify the sanction. The
appeal authority may, at its discretion, change, increase or reduce
the sanction imposed. If the sanction is modified, the appeal
authoritymust state inwriting the justification for themodification.
3. Refer the case for rehearingbeforeanother hearingauthority.
4. Refer the case to the original hearing authority for reconsideration
of specificpointsdeemed important by theappeal authority.
5. Reverse the finding of “In Violation” and affirm the appeal. If the
original finding ismodified, theappeal authoritymust state inwriting
the justification for the reversal.
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