Services for Students
Academic Services for students and faculty are offered through the following
Offices andCenters:
Center for AcademicSuccess
StudyAbroadand International Education
First-Year AdvisingandRetentionCenter
ClaytonStateUniversity’sLibrary is located ina two-story buildingadjacent
to theBaker UniversityCenter. TheLibrary shares thebuildingwithTheHUB,
and other offices.
TheClaytonStateUniversityLibraryparticipates inGALILEO, the statewide
library initiative. GALILEO provides access tonumerous periodical and
information databases andover 2,000 full text periodicals. Additionally, the
library subscribes tomore than20other computerized databases including the
ACMDigital library, CINAHL, IEEEComputer SocietyDigital Library, JStor,
Philosopher’s IndexandPsycArticles.
TheClaytonStateLibraryprovides access toa varietyof print, electronic
and audio visualmaterials striving tomaintaina current collection that supports
the curriculum of theUniversity. Inaddition to itsown holdings, TheClaytonState
Libraryhas access to thebookandperiodical holdings of nearly14,000
academic, public, and special libraries. Awell-developed interlibrary loan
program and the statewideGILExpress program enable students, faculty, and
staff toborrowbooksand copies of articles not availableat theClaytonState
UniversityLibrary. Interlibrary loan service isusuallyavailableat no cost or a
verymodest cost to studentsand faculty. Both interlibrary loan andGILExpress
servicesmaybe initiated from theLibrary’sweb page.
TheLibraryprovides researchand study space for students. Some study
carrelsareequippedwith internet connectionsandwireless access is available
throughout theLibrary. Other library facilitiesavailable to students includea
changemachine, photocopiers,microfilm/microfiche reader/printers, and
audiovisual equipment.
TheClaytonStateLibrary is currentlyopen 84hoursper weekwith librarians
andwell trained support staff available to assist students in using library
materialsandequipment. LibGuides for variousareas havebeen prepared and
areavailableon the library’sweb page. Libraryorientation classes aredesigned
and conducted for those instructors requesting them, and special sessionsare
created for students needing individual attention.
TheClaytonStateLibrarywelcomes suggestions for improvements in its
serviceandmaterials. Usersmay speakdirectly to the library staff ormay leave
their written suggestions or recommendations in theLibrary’s “suggestionbox”
on itsweb page.
Currently, theLibrary isundergoingmajor renovation as required bySACS