catalog-handbook - page 229

Collegeof Arts andSciences
7. Completionof theGACEBasicSkillsAssessment. TheGeorgiaProfessional
StandardsCommission (GPSC) hasadopted the followingpolicy: "Students
will be required topass all sections (reading, writing, andmathematics) of an
academic skills test prior toentry into thepreparation program for their initial
educator certificateasof July1, 1997.‖ Theassessment isGACEBasic
SkillsAssessment, developed andadministered byNational Evaluations
Systems, Inc. (NES). Contact theDepartment of Teacher Education for
further information. (Note: Testing requirementswill beupdated in
accordancewithGPSC regulations.)
8. Signingof anaffidavit to show compliancewithProfessional Standards
CommissionStandard II.A. (G10): "Theeducationunit/program shall provide
information to each candidateabout professional ethical standards,
background check, and clearance for certificationandemployment; and
ensure that candidates admitted to theprogramarepersonswhose social
and ethical behavior isacceptableasaneducator." Theaffidavit form is
provided upon formal notificationof admission to theB.A. orB.M. program.
9. A background check. (Conducted byClaytonStatePublicSafety. A$10.00
processing fee is required andwill beat theexpenseof theapplicant.)
10. Provideevidenceof liability insuranceand successful background check
clearanceprior toparticipation in specific field-based or clinical experiences
when required.
1. Applicantswhomeet the criteria explained above should submit a teacher
education certificationapplication formand supporting documentation to the
ClaytonStateUniversityDirector of MusicEducation or theDepartment of
Teacher Education. (Application formsareavailable from theDivision of
MusicHandbook and theDepartment of Teacher Education.)
2. Theapplication deadline for Teacher Educationprograms isposted in the
Department of Teacher Education. (Thedeadlineperiod is called an
admission cycle.)
3. All completeand eligibleapplications received by thepublished deadlines
will be considered for theavailablepositions in theprograms for the
appropriate semester. (Completeapplicationsmust include
documentation. Thedate that anapplication is completed isnot a factor in
theadmission decision process for applications received by thedeadline.)
4. Applicantsnot admitted during agiven admission cycleand individualswho
fall belowminimum standardsafter notificationof admissionmay, upon
written request to theDepartment of Teacher Education, have their
applications reconsidered during thenext admission cycle. Reconsideration
isnot automatic; written request is required, andadditional informationmay
be submitted.
5. Applicantsmay submit their applications for Fall Semester admission
betweenApril 1 and the last Friday inMay. Anyapplications received after
theMay deadlinewill beplaced onawaiting list in theevent a slot in the
programs becomesavailable. Applicantsmay submit their applications for
SpringSemester admission betweenSeptember1 and the last Friday in
October. Anyapplications received after theOctober deadlinewill beplaced
on awaiting list in theevent a slot in theprogramsbecomesavailable.
6. Applicants selected for admission during eachadmission cyclewill be
notified inwriting. Theadmissionnoticewill indicateadatebywhich the
individual must formallyaccept or declineadmission; thosewho fail to
respondwithin theallotted timewill have their admissionoffers revoked, and
their spaceswill beallotted toother eligibleapplicants.
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