catalog-handbook - page 224

Collegeof Arts andSciences
restriction. Inaddition, no grades of Dareallowed for anyMUSC
courseat any level.
3. To graduatewith aB.A. degree, studentsmust demonstrateproficiency
in keyboard skills, inear training, and in performanceandmust attend
performances and forums. Studentsmust pass theSophomoreBarrier
(usuallyat theend of the sophomore year) inorder toenroll in upper-
divisionappliedmusic courses. TheB.A. degree requires successful
completion of themusic capstone.
4. Nomore than27 credit hoursof elective courses in theCollegeof
Business canbeused to satisfygraduation requirement under this
5. Aminimum of 39 hoursof 3000- or 4000-level courses is required for
Optional Concentrations in theBachelor of Arts inMusic
Students wishing to pursue an optional concentrationwithin the Bachelor of Arts
degree in Music will select 18 hours of credits that comprise the concentration.
These 18 hours will consist of 12 credits to complete the Music Emphasis
Courses (MUSC and DANC prefixes only) that are specific to the concentration,
plus 6 hours of additional courses, chosen from a specified menu of electives,
that will be included among the students’ 22 total hours of Electives.
remaining 18 hours of electives will remain open for students to elect a non-
musicminor or topursue their own interests outsideof MUSC courses.
Musical TheatreConcentration*
MUSC3570MusicDramaWorkshop (3 sem. req.)........................... 3 hours
DANC2110Ballet I.......................................................................... 2 hours
DANC2120 JazzDance I ................................................................ 2 hours
DANC2140TapDance I ................................................................. 2 hours
MUSC4530Musical Theatre ........................................................... 3 hours
(select 6hours)
MUSC3430Conducting .................................................................. 2 hours
MUSC3570MusicDramaWorkshop (1 add’l semester) .....................1 hour
MUSC4400AppliedMusic (up to 2 semesters) ..................................1 hour
DANC3250Dance for theStage I.................................................... 3 hours
DANC3140TapDance II................................................................. 2 hours
DANC 4800SelectedTopics inDan................................................. 2 hours
THEA 1880 Introduction toActing..................................................... 3 hours
THEA 2900Directing ....................................................................... 3 hours
THEA 3880Acting II ........................................................................ 3 hours
*Students in this concentration are strongly encouraged (but not required) to
completeaminor inTHEA or DANC.
MusicManagement Concentration
MUSC 3310 Introduction toMusic IndustryStudies........................... 3 hours
MUSC3320MusicMarketingandManagement ............................... 3 hours
MUSC 3330MusicCopyright andPublishing.................................... 3 hours
MUSC4310Artist andConcertManagement.................................... 3 hours
(select 6hours)
MUSC3102History of PopularMusic............................................... 3 hours
1...,214,215,216,217,218,219,220,221,222,223 225,226,227,228,229,230,231,232,233,234,...491
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