Collegeof Arts andSciences
General University policies ongood standingandacademicand disciplinary
probation and suspension apply to the teacher educationprograms (except that
for teacher education the standard isa2.50 cumulativeProgramGPAon the last
attempt of courses taken tomeet program requirements, anda cumulative
Institutional GPA of 2.50 rather thana 2.00 Institutional GPA). Due to the
sensitivenatureof workingwith children and youth in authentic school settings,
the following additional standardapplies:
Any facultymember or administrator of
theUniversity and/or a cooperating school systemmay immediately removea
candidate fromanon-site setting if, in that person'sprofessional judgment, the
candidate has acted in an inappropriatemanner involving childrenor youth. The
Coordinator for Educational FieldExperiences and/or theDepartment Head for
Teacher Education/Director of Professional EducationProgramswill investigate
the case in an expeditiousmanner. Thedepartment headwill issue awritten
ruling to the candidatewith copies to theDeanof ArtsandSciencesand the
Provost/VicePresident for AcademicAffairs. Depending on the circumstances,
the rulingmay include exoneration, admonishment, probation, suspension of
reasonable duration, or dismissal. Appealsmay be initiated according to
establishedUniversityAcademicAppeal policy.
Inorder tobeplaced in the student teaching/senior year internship, which
begins during the first week or pre-planningweek at theend of July or beginning
of August, depending on the school year calendarsof the sixpartnership school
districts, candidatesmust have in place the following:
1. A cumulativeProgramGPAof 2.50or higher.
2. A cumulative Institutional GPAof 2.50or higher.
3. Completion of each course in theprogram sequencewithagradeof
or higher (or
4. Endorsement of the junior year by theProfessional Education
ProgramsCommittee (PEPC).
5. Passageof an updated background check.
6. Renewal of liability insurance coverage.
Courseoverloadswill not bepermitted during enrollment in the full-time
student teaching/senior internship. The studentmayonly beenrolled in student
teaching/senior internship
InGeorgia, to receive certification to teach, individualsmust document
havingmet criteria endorsed by theProfessional StandardsCommission,
including successful completionof theGACEContent Assessment(s).
Application forms to apply forGeorgia certification areavailableonlineat
. It is theapplicant's responsibility to request theapplicationand
complete the submissions process. Theapplication, a completed
recommendation form, andofficial transcript fromall colleges and universities
attendedmaybe submitted to theProfessional StandardsCommission (PSC) in
a singlepackage. However, theTeacher EducationDepartment will submit all
application packagesasa bundle to thePSC.
Students select a concentration in music performance or music education.
AreasA-Fand theMajorRequirements are the same for both concentrations.