Collegeof Arts andSciences
2. Demonstrateprofessional competence in soloand collaborative
performance including technical mastery, sight-reading, interpretive skill and
artistic self-expression.
3. Think, speak andwrite clearlyandeffectivelyaboutmusic.
4. Develop teaching skills in theperformancemedium.
Several honor societies, clubs, and service organizations are designed to
support, augment, and supplement the educational and professional
development of music students, including Mu Phi Epsilon (Coeducational
Professional Music Fraternity), National Association for Music Education (NAME
Collegiate), andMusicandEntertainment IndustryStudent Association.
Students whowish tomajor or minor inmusicmust audition for members of
themusic faculty. Information about music auditions is available from the office
of the Department of Visual and Performing Arts. In addition, music students
must pass a Sophomore Barrier before enrolling in certain 3000- or 4000-level
music courses.
Studentsmustmeet the following criteriabefore submitting their
applications for admission into the teacher education certificationprogram.
Contact theDivision of Music or theDepartment of Teacher Education formore
information or an application.
1. Admission toClaytonStateUniversity. (Transfer studentswhomeet the
criteriabelowmay simultaneously submit applications for theUniversityand
for teacher education program admission—two separateapplication forms.)
2. Completionof at least 45 semester hoursof college credit (minimum
requirement to submit application). Studentsare required to completeall
AreaF courses,MUSC2900, andMUSC2301.
3. Grades of A, B, C, or K inall applicableAreasA-F courses. Studentsmust
havea gradeof Cor better inALL courses required for thedegree.
4. A cumulative Institutional GradePoint Averageof 2.50.
5. AProgramGradePoint Averageof 2.50based upon all coursework last
attempted inAreasA-F.
6. Successful completion of MUSC 2900 with a grade of C or better with
documentationof 35 fieldexperiencehours.
7. Successful completionofMUSC2301with agradeof Cor better.
In order for a student tobeeligible tobegin taking upper-division courses in
teacher education, the following requirementsmust bemet:
1. Written notification of programacceptance. (Meetingminimum admission
standardsdoes not guaranteeacceptance.)
2. Completionof
all AreaF
courses andaminimum of 24 hours inAreasA-E of
theCoreCurriculum andMUSC2900andMUSC2301withgrades of
A, B,
, or
3. Maintenanceof the2.50 or better ProgramGradePoint Averageas
explained aboveanda 2.5or better institutional GradePoint Average.
4. Submit aone-pageessayonwhy youwant tobeamusic teacher.
5. Successful completionof SophomoreBarrier –MusicEducation
6. Documentation of teaching observations (this is satisfied in EDUC 2110,
2120, or 2130 at CSU)